Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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8 TIMES HERALD WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 29 1941 House Hearing To Halifax McGehee Sees Slash To Half of 1 Per Cent IN THE spokesmen In one goal to create a flavor that would outdo any cascade of the past 71 years great as that was! Now taste the result richer finer than ever blended to thrill your taste more than ever! BLITZ Buy Cascade at Your avorite Package Store! 4 'Revolution' Aim Of 28 Accused Sinclair Seen As Successor sHOREimm BUIE Milin Go have decided the license of the Martha Wash ington trailer camp The camp residence of three children implicated in a murder at Belair Md last week was de scribed as "unsightly and insani tary" Everything in cascade was aimed at Appeals to CC To Compel Networks Alexandria Gas Plan Nears Vote farly Approval Of Hankin Seen America irst Assails Refusal Of Radio Time HIE heroic firemen of London Liverpool Glasgow and other blitzed cities are fighting aerial arson with endless miles of Good year fire hose And in our fac tories today amazing automatic machines continue to exude 01 CONK AVE AT NEBRASKA 1737 fonn Av above Dupont Circle Mcnu*tt Approves Child Aid rom Old Age und ederal Security Administrator Paul Mcnu*tt yesterday approved the Illinois plan for aiding de pendent children with cash from old age assistance funds Approval was effective as of July 1 countless miles of fire hose both for Britain and this nation This essential weapon of defenseagains'truthlessincendiaryattack is only one of the many rubber armaments Goodyear pow has in all out production Pay Tax Cut avored After TEXACB STAR 1HEATRE prevented by Trotsky Charge Hurled In Sedition Trial KENNY BAKER ORTLAND HOA AL GOODMAN! ORCHESTRA CO WORK LOCAL BIRD MAKES GOOD (Washington Loves It!) mittee together Hankin's nomination has been sent to the Senate on two occa 5 ReCent1V annparod ho Rep Smith Confirmed As District Judge The Senate yesterday confirmed the nomination of Representative Joseph Smith as a United States district judge for the district of Connecticut Vi RIED CHICKEN served unjointed without silver ware gobs of Shoestring Potatoes Jug Honey and Hot Buttered Rolls A and only OUC Sam Good ood McCarron Expected To Return Today Nomination of Gregory Hankin power commission attorney to be a member of the District Public Utilities Commission wilf be ap proved shortly by the Senate Dis trict Committee it was predicted Tirnes Heraid Photo City's irst Raid Shelter Is Slightly Damp Two members of American Civilian Defense 1 nitr decided to inspect air raid shelter on the campus and found it in need of repairs to make it really comfortable in ease of a raick' Concrete dugout was an experimental chamber during last war The young ladies who should have worn boots are Helen Lundegaard (with flashlight and Mildred Anderson 7 Needed With Surplus By MARSHALL BAGGETT Legislation to slash employer pay roll taxes here more than 200 per cent effective January 1 will! be favorably reported by the House District judiciary subcommittee Chairman Dan McGehee (D) of Mississippi indicated yesterday After hearing five witnesses urge passage of a bill which would re duce employer taxes from 27 per cent to one half of 1 per cent under the Unemployment Compensation Act McGehee declared "My purpose is to give this re lief here I don't think it's fair to Washington employers to continue the high tax when it is only piling up a surplus" Sees Opening Wedge Director John' Marshall of the District Unemploy ment Compensation Board told the subcommittee he hoped the reduction here would serve as an opening wedge for similar tax slashes in the various States He termed the board's reserve of $24000000 and explained that part of this frozen runa wouia be put back in circula tion under the bill The low tax rate would not produce enough to pay benefitsrequiring the deficit each year to be paid from the re serve account Marshall said The subcommittee is expected to complete its hearings riday when John Locher president of the Central Labor Union William Press secretary of the Wash ington Board of Trade and rep resentatives of the Social Security Board will testify "Legalized Rufus Lusk president of the Washington Taxpayers Associa tion denounced the collection of excess pay roll taxes here as ized at yesterday's hear ing and pointed out that the DUC reserve fund is grow ing at the rate of about $2 for every $3 paid in taking of $15000000 or $20000000 more than needed dur ing the last six years from Wash ington employers in the guise of needed pay rdll taxes for unem ployed who do not exist has been! a he declared any circ*mstances the collection of more tax than re quired to do a job is simply legal ized plea for reduction of the pay roll tax was echoed by other witnesses representing District business men real estate dealers and rooming house operators avors lat Reduction Marshall who explained that the District now has more com plete coverage for unemployment compensation than any State testified he was "heartily in fa of the flat tax reduction pro posed in bill 1 appears we are all agreed that we have too much money in the trust he stated surplus here is too high" Only opposition to the measure came from Representative Harry Sauthoff (Prog) of Wisconsin 1 who took the position that the District measure was dis crimination against employers in the various States where large surpluses also have been piled up num pay rou taxes '4 Churchill Reported Planning Other Shifts NEW YORK Oct 28 (N Private advices reaching neutral diplomatic quarters in New York from London tonight spoke confidently of the imminent substitution of Air Minister Sir Archibald Sinclair for iirrt Mau fax as British ambassador to Washington as part of a major shakeup in the Winston Churchill cabinet Churchill was said by these 1 sources to be greatly concerned 1 over the growing criticism of his i auuiuiusuiiLiDn DV all sections of the British public Decides Two Must He was said to that Capt Margesson war secretary one time floor nmllrAv a "CGIG All xnMII ipin uago department store and former Col Moore Brabazon minister of aircraft production must go advisers are said to have warned him that anger over charges that the gov ernment not doing all in its power to aid the hard pressed Russians has reached such heat that unless it is tackled imme diately war production may be affected and a political crisis precipitated Pressure rom Moscow These warnings it is stated have been supplemented by direct pressure from Moscow a fact that has nettled conservative die hards who regard the move as unwar ranted Soviet interference in British internal affairs especially since Stalin expressed no ob jections to the British cabinet set up to Lord Beaverbrook at the recent Moscow talks Sir Archibald Sinclair lifelong friend of Churchill and a fellow officer in the same regiment dur ing World Wsr No 1 was a hot tip for the Washington embassy when Lord Halifax was appointed 0 PROO COPYRIOHT 1741 OIO A DICKIL OIITIILI CO INC IIXINOTON RY 'Night We Called It A Day' Introduced At Night Spots Singing a song of unrequited love "The Night We Called It a Day" second song in the weekly parade of song hits featured in the Sunday Times Herald has already the turn on popular music fans with its lyrics and smooth rhythm Introduced Monday night at all the smart dancing and supper spots in town the new hit song aKass PM uy tommy Dorsey has since swept to citywide popularity Lunceford to Play Song Jimmie Lunceford whose busi ness is rhythm will feature the new weekly hit at his dance con cci i scneauiea ror Arena tonight His versatile musicians will play the hew tune in four different sets and in four different tempos the tango rhumba fox trot and one step Lunceford has one of the most famous swing bands in the land and tonight's appearance is something dance addicts in Wash ington have been looking forward to for some time The band leader besides being an accomplished musician and arranger is a grad uate of isk University a former professor of English and a trained pilot holding a license of the Civil Aeronautics Commission In additlon to Night We Called it a Lunceford will also feature "Dear Arabella" last hit song which appeared in the Sunday Times Herald Weekly Comic Section as "The Night We Called it a will in next Sun day's paper To Be Well With all of Washington playing the new song it will be well ad vanced towards being a popular se lection when it appears in color in the Times Herald on Sunday Among the sweet and swing maestros who will choose the hit series week by week are Guy Lom bardo Benny Goodman Vaughn Monroe Artie Shaw reddy Mar tin and Jimmy Dorsey Sammy Kay has already chosen the hit for a week from this Sunday enti tled Bunch" Pleasure seekers are dancing and humming to "Dear and Night We Called It a Day" at the Lotus Restarant Shoreham Hotel Ambassador Hi Hat Room the Troika Hotel 2400 Kavakos Grill Casino Royal El Patio Neptune Room Annapolis Hotel Paul Young's Romany Ro6m Cafe Caprice Brown Derby Merry Land Club Mayfair Res taurant Hamilton Hotel Old New Orleans and a host of other smart places in town It is also being heard over the air via WOL and at the Capitol Hheater nvicr wrn mnr or piayea before Called It a Tommy Dortey Delected for Bony Rmash No 2 in the sensational new Times Herald parade of WEEKLY MONG HITS Glenn thrilled Washington eony fans last week Be the first to shir and play WEEKLY SONG HIT No 2 Complete word and mnsio in next Times Herald NEW YORK Oct 28 (N News) Leaders of the America irst Comnjlttee tonight appealed to James ly head of the ederal Communications Commis sion and to the 21 members of the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee for help in getting coast to coast radio network time for the Madison Square Garden rally Thursday night Chief speakers at the rally will be Col Charles A Lindbergh Sen ator Burton Wheeler of Mon tana and John Cudahv former I American Ambassador to Belgulm whip of the Tory Party and Lieut wheeIer ls chairman of the Inter a Miotic I occate wp Co ybon By ARTHUR EVANS MINNEAPOLIS Oct 28 iCT Opening statements in the mass trial of 28 defendants charged "with sedition were made by both sides today before a Jury of 11 men and one woman Victor Anderson United States District Attorney in his pre liminary outline said the Govern ment would seek to show that all the defendants 15 of whom are members of Teamsters Union 544 (CIO) here are members of the Socialist Workers party The de fense says some of the accused are not party members Socialist Workers party is a revolutionary said Ander son it advocated the use of force and advocated overthrow by force of the Government of the United States This was part of the plan of the party It is the contention of the Government that this party was the Trotsky party or the party (to carry out the views of Leon Trotsky with respect to the establishment of government on earth and particu larly in America The ideas at the basis of this party were those of Trotsky and Some of the defendants Ander son declared went to Mexico to hold communion with Leon Trot sky He said the Government would show that in 1939 James Cannon Secretary of the Socialist party Vincent Dunne one of the heads of Local 544 and others conferred with Trotsky and the return trip was made in a car driven by Dunne There was talk Anderson said of increasing the guard for the exiled Russian with a machine gun Anderson emphasized that the counts or causes for action in the indictment are for a conspiracy to overthrow the Government of the United States by force to spread disaffection hmong the armed forces and to engage in private military training with a view of overthrowing the Government He said the Socialist party is not only against entry into the war but would fight against the United States during the continuance of any such mili tary struggle" Brand new Torehj and bine! Tommy Dorsey selects HU No In the Times Herald parade ot WEEKLY HONG HITS "The Nlrht We Called It a Day" Watch for complete words aecond brand new uy in inis esciuny parade ot never before published song hits In Ceply to the offer the 1030 10:45 ounioy i imes iierain vSvvv Council Authorizes Referendum Soon Public referendum to determine whether Alexandria shall purchase the Alexandria Water Company a private enterprise will be held soon probably at the next Demo cratic primary it was announced last night following a meeting ot I yesterday the city council I Senator pat McCarran (D) of The council adopted a resolution! evada' chairman of the commit tee ls scheduled to return to the authorizing the referendum by a Capitol today Action on the vote of Purchase of the com Hankin nomination is expected pany would cost about $2500000 to follow as soon as McCarran according to councilmen Charles members of the com Burgess and Paul Delaney co spon sors of the resolution A RlTP at Witt QnH AHrenns Avir www eSrnmentWfnrftveleaSed re a commiuZe of theSem ernment for five years at $1 a year ate District Committee and em Reconstruction of a recrea pfaUeaily scotched reports that airreert was he had communistic leanings ith council 1 His statement to the subcommit referred to thetee won for him the unanimous Alexandria city attorney and approval of the subcommittee manager a petition bearing the names of 130 residents of Westover that asked the council to revoke! ii'RnJyr AROUND THE CLOCK Lunceford Band eatures New Hit Tonight SMART BUYERS GIVE PRIORITY TO RICHER A3 A A 2 Sfe AS A A TASTE Mtb State Commerce Committee withhold fair access on flimsy excuses to the principal' speakers in the country against going to war while the pro war people are in one way or another on the air night and day is an outrageous proceeding in a democ the America tele gram to Washington read John lynn head of the America irst New York Chapter had charged that radio "time was refused for the rally betause networks are con trolled by interventionists Radio executives replied that no time was available for the periods and the regions which the committee wanted Today Mutual Broadcasting System officials disclosed that three weeks ago they had offered the committee any one of three alternative radio plans The first was a 10:30 11 pm network hook up with a WOR playback 50 min uies later The second was a 10:30 10:40 pm spot on both the network and WOR The third was a 10:15 tp 10:45 on WOR with a possibility that the network made up of 175 stations would pick up the last 15 minutes Those were the only times avail able fo Thursday said a Mutual spokesman today and when America irst executives failed to pm time was sold Hfe strai mr cse 0Ll Kouah Il Ta ki IS WK ro Iwjsvm Xis' "i 4 'A WRhlt MH Wtj sX S' tTax to WAT A JBIIIll 1 KBit lit JrTas I fJV UtatKBRsli Hi Im LX1 laVj Ulll If It 1 A 1 mhs II II itisnn MOB I Bt BaBMI iu EEb AXs 1 6 771! EskKMI a a A I KsiSBSI a JtZJi aA A 'Mini in I an asSB KSR K' Bm Bi ItST A I IN RUI( HE JBk KBi Bi A BsMRs? r' Bm BB SX i A (SSBWMMhm a.

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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.