IHikk! 1 1 DMMolnMRraliMrSB Frl April 11, 1980 Wk HERITAGE COURTE AUIIMF 1 1 MORTGAGE OWA FAMILY LIVING Country sphere, convenient city notion mar shopping. Deluxe drapes, adl. city park, pool, club house.cabla TV. 2 BR from 8235, For oual. buyer.
2 BR townhousa condos In Magnolia Park. Prof, and career adulis Open Sat. and IOWA REALTY Sun or 287-4481. ACADIAN MANOR Wetfirn HTiis'toifdoTKR-and" baths, dishw drapes Incl Post, contract wa- 21 IS Grand Crptd, I BR. tndrv, tltvator, ucurotrtg.Adltl.t2M.
Mrs. Lundeon 2M-I324 oequare oownpaymeni. spi.vuw. No iwenls 523-0663 or 223-1457. NEW LISTING Lovely 3 BR Itt I "wFP, Ig.
MBR and 1st fir. WESTCHESTER VILLAGE walk to Merle Hav Mall Two Badroom Apartmantl Quiet Araal 5113 Aurora CAPRI APARTMENTS Clark at 84th Near new 2 BR, heal and API MANAGER Mull hav typing, bkkg. general experience. EO.E Raely 0: X- SSI, Register and Tribune JEFFERSON APTS. 1519 GRAND Crotd.
etflc. Naw kit. SIM iecuratHdg.Mrs.Wvor 244-6083. 4323 GRAND NEW, Beautiful; 2 BR, 2 baths. fireplace, gar aye, 279-0422 KftTNYTTm "sfWmTpTus 1100 dep.
Stove, retrig, water, garbage turn. Fully crptd. Priv prkg. Child welcome. No pelt.
Hi-mi Pi CRESTVIEW 1940 NW 82nd, 2BR. heal, water, pool, air, 8250. WAie Novels 25H226 Clive luxury Quiet 1647-S5th. 1200 so. ft Avail, now.
2 BR, 2 be gar CA, priv. deck, 1425mg, 225-J'40 rROOMS. ncl. Porch, Knelling, AC, Hove, on ulils. pd.
adlls. ieiflailon 25-MI5 265-3375. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS 1. 1 and 1 BR. toaclout apt as.
many with frptcs and lENtlf A WiSTSf NTS" tan sic tn lanaifDR.ni. po, newly sec entr. Indry, prka. top mgml. Adits only.
No dogs. 1,175 and up. l6S-730. W5 FRANKLIN NICE t-2 BR't 1226-1251. Heal pd on Dus.
Near snooping. Aduils.Nopeti.l Lap, p-n UNIVERSITY AT 37th 2 Br Ground floor. $259 Adutfs. ANKENY 2 BR townnouse, DW. S2I1.
94 1275 9 5215 ANKENV, 2 sTove, ffidgt dishw shower, baltcnv. no pets, tm, Htwater Pd. Avail now HAMPTON HOUSE Quality 1 Bdrm. All ulils. paid.
No pels S220 755 6727 and I beOioomi, No Security Deposit. MTA bus line 1433 em Av Ph 744-W27, "(Trf St." 5 rm's. renkxkfiad, ulils no oets. 1245 plus dep NO-1219 wkoavi, 5l5-67-2tW vtiitizimh G10RIANNE-CL0VER HILLS WDM, and BR, bale, pool, elbrm: avail now. 223-1219.
AURORA 1101 I BR, all uis paid except Kec-triclty H95 243-S6A8 "TONRrfuIVnXICT 1-2 BR epts. 2 BR lownhouse 1200 Office Park Rd, WOM Ph 273-1IM COTTACE CroviTWery KScTT BR Pvt entrance, heal pd AC. imtn adut, no pats. May 1st. 1190 25-3t8 ir.
SUNBURST PT5 HI155W OtRT I and 1 br. trom 1230, cat TV, on but, small families wncnme, tnej3etpoc4JoYv2S5l SILHOUETTE APTS 1 BR. near Merle Hay Plata. Immolate possession WEDCEW00D APARTMENTS ONE BEDROOM U30 7J67Jtw90d.X-8A41 WIJCSOR HEIGHTS 2BR. Krse kitchen, 4trng (I on raid bus.
dep I I If 2B A DOUBLE WIDE YOU CAN AFFORD OUR MODULAR HOME We Accept Trade-Int COUNTRY LIVING HOMES Hubuell 265-733 DON'T WAIT Interest rates to go up. Get i NEW home now and SVE. '79 modelt ayjiiab ai considerable savings. Top dollar onainraoe-ins. ISEMAN MOBILE HOMES nuEtth DesMolnet.la, GOOD USED HOMES FROM 84000 UP Home Center Ltd Doane Farm Manapement f-OT SDMrnn farm qwnw -Real estate sales, appraisals.
Ankwy, Iowa (51S) 9M-5064 5 Ml. SW OF DES MOINES AIRPORT: Acres, excellent spring, prime building tltet, Vi mile frontage. Norwalk schools. 82500 Acre. 5I5JI8 M655.
tract, On Cholc Worth County Acres wPostetslon Now, Please Cell Us If You Want To Tour Form. TWITO LAND CO. LAKE MILLS, IOWA SINCE 1901 515-592-2581 WARREN COUNTY acres at 1850, 45 A. (Ill, trees, pond. Good contract.
961-7416 M. Goodrich 961-3990 IOWA REALTY rdWATlO acres beautifully Imp. Contr. at 10. Clot lo Grlnnell.
Taylor, Royi 1, Grlnnell, IA ftiH5. Tear Winiertel. ATgood cropland. Nice Horn. Oilier Bldgt.
Chat. Tucker, Broker, Wintersal.515 462-3W. BwaTaSM LAtJO To Buy or Sell Coll: DON KNUDSEN REALTY Eagle Grove, Iowa 515-448-3712. Farm Saiet, Appraisals Merle Hay Tower 276-4589 50112 or can iii-j-mii. CLIVE BR nice neighborhood, 862J00.
Inl. 113.000 down, 276-4702 CcWfiTR 9 RTaTTV- Several Farm Units For Sale iWj-m PanoraxIA NEED HELP? Need He renting your term? Lei us help rent your farm. Contact Farm Management Division Country Realty, Inc. 515-755-2990 Panora Larry Squires Robert Hammans i FOR KENT: Aiarch 1980, 55 acres north of Steamboal Rock. Ithe Northwest Fractional Ouar- ter ol lha Northwest Quarter ol Secllon4, Township Eighly-Elght Norlh, Range Nineteen, West of Ihe 5111 PM, in Hardin County, Iowa).
Contact immediately: Mary KeHkow, 1001 bin New York, NY 10028, 212- 1001 PUREBRED Landrace Boars. Tested. Ready. Philip Morrit, 515-322-3929 ravin s. 15) REG South Devon Bulll: 1 2-year-old, 4 yearlings.
Yearling weight: 1Mb lbs. livestock Auction CATTLE SALE Sat. Aprill2 ij.i.i.n.i ixv. Anita 1,000 So. 2-Br.
duplex, kltf-hrtlt mnii llwlns VH. welkin closers, new stove rerrigeraior. laungrv noon- Hiding doori to patio, central Saydel School, 8325 all ullllllai VM-KVJ. TOvV-SupIeV IE. IVi ba applls.
C.A., deck, prvl. drive, Imnied, qulel residential, 1325. tall 961-2190 alterj 420? E. BOYD naw 2 BR, elac. kit.
Carpet, Il50rtw.andrei278 GRWOTnR.auleTToca Near naw. UW, gar. sliding glass drs. lo deck, im me an, yaa-je-ia. vniip nvuu ihipi fx Avallabia.
For More Infor-melton, Call WeekcyUTHWi SfTOwELL AniSnyfjtri 3 BR. Stove, rofrio. Olsp Pantr y. rn oains. ram rm mi 3421-23 Merle HaNew BR, washer, dryer, garage, CA M40mo.
Plus dap. 212-6926 riR, nlca Bsmt, stove, refrlgT pertect condition. Excellent arn Cllva. immed. poss, sjij.
Franklin. 243-4451 orWH43 9071 2511 E. 42nd Near new 2 BR, elec. kit Carpel 50 dap, and rat. 271-5992.
WERLt Hay, tin. bse wlamllv rm, washer, dryer, a i condillonlna, water paid, avail' able now. 225-07St. SOTJTH OfTSTnBTTTI BR In oulat area on large lot. LR OR, dan, gar.
May 1 5415 245-4323 CLTVPrNvV Das Aolnesam Urbandata, 1245 to 1340 2 BR, pels. Dep and References reo 279-9775 weekdays walklm dislanct to M.H. Mall. See thlt well eauliHWd 2 BR, l'l bath 45tMngrsoi; too iocatlon.Targi BR Plus den, carpeted Stove CA, tuH bsmlj ear. S325 Rets.
No pels. 223-45K 27M441, LR with trplc, DR, nld garden spoi. wnw. in-nv iErT SSf 'gar. CO GRIMI I AArriirtafl 777-612 Elac.
kit. OW, CA, Crpl, balcony No kids or pell. Kll STsITBlT, aopOasher Dryar. No pals. I3IJ.
270-2558 255-50, CHRISTIAN tAMlLV7no smoking 3 BR duplex. 1200 plus SlOt dep. Cali244-941)5 eves. aYvlfniMrrNearne. 1500 so.
3 BR tem rm wlir fprie dtxe. W6m" Sew luiTpiex T5ft73 kit. awn. Laundry Hookup. DR CA tjfimo pkisdep 267-3996 NEW LUXURY luxurlou.
1 BR In prime Perk I Ave. area. Vaulted celling, slont 2 "i bams. 3 car gar. 1 585 mo.
Purchase option avaU. on low down contract. Builder; H. Cooper 1K-7W utlT paid sTrfoTet 1T1C Mobile rtome 2 Bdrm kids ok S14C potion to buv rural house Sl8j Bdrm kids pets singles 821! bdrm utH. paid basem*nt Six House 4 bdrm remodeled bdrm fenced ga'age RAH Fee 800 Euclid 24- 1100 SQ.FT.
-NEW tlorv townhousa, 2 or 3 BR, tuihs, DW, AC, gar Cnoice, wooded, soum location. 8395-t435. Manager. 2a-2947. JH cooper, zn-ini.
LOVELY near naw 3 BR, 2 BA, Tarn rm, trpl, dN all oar, Urb. 1 yr lease. S550 1 depoill. or 28666 nbrwaik 5 br" durkiirn aool except refrig 8300 par mo. 3 BR ranch with gar.
1 sere. (4H 981-0641 Larry Hughes 981-428: BLACK "GOLD" REALTY year old house with 4 bedrooms. 2 baths end family room 3 car seoeraie garage 50 per month. Security Cad 515-342 iSOieyeninjt J4U4. SUPER RANCH.
SUPER CIEAN Crtd 3 BR elec glass doori h.mi to deck, waw uJm oHer lenanl option Ic 1 buy 472 IE W.lson. S375 J8il1 SUPER RANCH, SUPER CLEAN Ctptd 3 6R gar bsmi Newer area. Wi oer tenant oo)Kn to buv. 141 35ih WJJ1aveolhers too 2M-2121. hW.
Area. exfrVdeen, BR. office, family rm. wfri. New crpt Oithwather fenced yd Gar No pets 8450 per mo.
3843 56ih. DM. can 7 12-523 2327, sen rwiTH-6J' rrffiTToTiiY i Bedroom. Family Room Ir esem*ni, car garage, lergi yard. 8395'month and dewtii 282-(04 1 0 28 5 9624 FSR'REhir? newer easl side prop, 1-2 bdrm home w'CA 8395 1-3 bdrm duplex s00 AvaU 967-656 RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY Nw Ankeny 2 BR, cn appliances.
RENT With Option (o Buy: 2 BR, SW, 2 car gar bsmnl. S3 50, it2 354 or 287-39il WEST DES MOINES 1620 Vine 2 BR, alt Near terns, snooping. USOmo. 278-S147 pturTuiT fenced appis. SJO0 plus ulils 1200 dec No oett 328 Wt-trous 280-9908 weekends or alt 5 644t PaRkLAWN Dr.
3 BR, wo tenced vd. bar 1,1 baths t45h 0555 central air, gas heal, very clean, ex SW location, 8375 plus op72i8764 HitHlAf4BTkWwIvilVor2 BR. grape. 8300 plus dep. No pets.
3814 nd Ave 96 6118 Br.T"Tbin. Tsiorv. Pleasant 1 blk lo awn tch. 1450, deo.ret 265 89J! )2lOAMBSltje:" br bsml ,6275 plut 1700 dep. ret re.
767-0160 313 Pavton, cleanTBRTnewl crpl, fu bsmt gar CA tJOO. 2e-ea. asx ior mtn ii-iw. 2 STORY, 2 BR, 1 bam, I car 7 BR. 1 Haiti 1 cai garage Quiet area.
Go neighbor Ew! 17MBnln 1795 5973 ulet area. Gl neighbor BONDUkANT Home, 3 BR, C. trol. tenced 132Vmo. Rets.
pep Call Collect. 515 46S-2'J8 LAKEwCiOD-Otllon to buy S.L, 3 BR, DR, FR wtrpl, bar. 2' scarcer i60 mo. 263-14 lot STRo'sel IJR.Tchlid oT 8310 225 SE Paylon 3 BR. 2 kids.
W95 274-4873 Marilyn 243-633. 5 with garden and trull; and slorm I ri S1S-167-7671 JOdTHSlOE close to downtown. Bsmt, adulis, nojwit. EMPIRE, 285-093 illbtE Wi, "clean, lull basem*nt, new carpet, 1350. 274-48 1 1.
ask for Tom, oi 278 8833. room, range, basem*nt, vacant. 8285 t8-235l. SbHif Bachelor Collage. New draoes carpet.
Furn. Extra hPWLY remodTT BRin excel. area. Gar. 839S per mo.
nr-iiii. 555 E. Oiehl, 3 br, gar lam. rm deck, 8375 278-0095 SWkTJew BR.TovTioy tihool. 8360 Adlls 1325.
244-8249 Evev TOUTFearr BR 1275. 30155th ave 289-2066 rBRTdbl. fam. new crpl, i3v0mo. Dep.
964-0333 eves JTrrCENTEX "brwgat no pels, 1295, 266-7638 TwEfrTrSEVEWflHHTI LR. DR. 1250 279-2075 4-llthSt. wDMT SJRTgar, no ula )1S-S1Q1 MERlTHSrAREA, 5 BR, 130C plus dep Nopets.2y-2! Avail way i mwn fteSecbr 1615 Lynn, sec. 8, Home Inc.
243-1277 -TJROU5E24l6 E. 1240'mo No Pets. 255-2095. nTpeTiT dec 964-2078 W9M- I4VS WANT TO REMT-WESTSIDE OF DI--X. MOttlES.
In Town or Oul, Reasonable Housjhg, Hay 01-f-ICE SPACE llrnaMale S7O0 mo Utll. Ind. 271-9111 Rov Riley 276-2121 CROWN REALTY and 1. 2 3. 1 1 1 I INMAN REALTY "THE HOME FOLKS" 84th MEREDITH OPEN 2:00 till DARK 870s.
Maximize your leisure tlim In these new energy efficient 23 BR patio homes. Low malignance. Many extras. 993-4587 Wayne Wlntield 987-401 GOOD STARTER HOME Enjoy spring outdoors. Large lot BR, very clean, new carpet, living, dining area 8, BRs, dry bsml, CA, gar.
Close to Merit Hay Mall. Contract terms avail 288-9761 Audrey Watson 276-037. $208,000 Call today or see Sunday Truly magnificent new home. To( quality, convenience design. 477; Wlnwood In Green Maadows.
278-6500 Sieve Andrews 278-8665 NEW CLASSY URBANBALE gar, available Immed. Financing available. Call today tor look -tee. 278-6500 Dorla Newell 993-4611 E. SIDE UNDER Great buy on this 2 BR bung close 1-235 and Guthrie.
Large yard, low taxes. Priced right at 815,500. Call today! 287-4841 AlKataoka 255-95SC SOUTH SIDE STARTER rxcellenl 1 BR bung In good W. area. New cpl, remod kit, updated wiring, plumbing.
Taxes less than 1300 ann. Let see ll today! High 120s. 287-4841 Judy Fanning 278-1568 EAST SIDE FHA or Gl Near but roule. BR home wfin 12 ttory, Ige DR, fenced rear yd, wo basem*nt. Good starter.
Garage port. Low SiOa 266-2237 Mike Clark 262-1776 FHA and VA TERMS OFFERED! On beautiful 3 BR. I'i stv brk home, I'i baths, din rm fam rm wbar and refrig, Ige yd. Great westslde location! llDDr SSOs 266-7237 Vlckl fa*gerslrom 265-7117 ATTN. CONTRACT BUYERS Spacious 2 BR home, cheerful country kit, extra ige mbr, 2 car gar wwkshop, Indscpd lot, easl area.
ONLY 142,900. ANXIOUS! 266-2237 Vlckl fa*gerslrom 265-7117 OFFICES OPEN 8:30 to 6:00 8401 DOUGLAS 278-6500 4313 FLEUR 4215HUBBELL 4006 6lh AVE. 911 MAIN, ADEL 993-4587 UNIVERSAL REALTY C0R0NAD0 CONDOMINIUMS DSM newest finest development In Patricia Park, choose trom 26 brand new units, 11 different modeis designed bv John Bkradgood, lownhouses garden unils, prices 173,000 to 1103,000, up 10 3,000 so II, we'll have swimming pool 8, clubhouse. If you are Interested In maintainence-fren living, call 278-6711. MISS PIGGY Would squeal wdeiighi et this 4 BR, 2 sty in super N.E.
area. 2 full baths, delightfully decorated. I'm not feeding you the old loin. VA FHA lerms. Give me an oink.
278-4711 Bill Hanson 279-4080 YOUR NEIGHBORS Never really liked you anyway, so left show ihem lei's find anoihor home in a different area. I'll even help you tell the old place. Call me anytime. 278-6711 BIH Hanson 279-4080 BETTER HOMES GARDEN Home overlooking c'ty. 3 BR wfrpt In master BR, 1st fir fern rm wfrpt, all new kit, new carpel fixtures Ihruout.
A real doll house. 278-6711 M. Crlsl 223-1300 BUILDING A LAKE HOME? Lot wbeautltut view In Antler Acres on Lake Rathbun. Residential lot has underground utilities, close lo park entrance, swimming 8, fishing facilities. Can iiuima contract 17.900.
278-6711 Jane Tyler 278-9844 GOOD CONTRACT ACT NOW, WON'T LAST! Newly decorated 3 BR ranch wtuU bsmt 8, gat heat. Good sound 287-3901 Ted Grandouist 279-8883 ADVENTURELAND ESTATES 4 BR, 4 level split, tilt on quiet cul-de-sac In super area. E. Polk schools, clean liveable Slider lo deck, 4th BR on 3rd level next to tarn rm. Set this real charmer now! 287-3901 Ted Grandouist 279-8883 WINDOVER WOODS Rothchlld home, qualified buyers only! Shown by appl.
Exclusive features include 4.000 sq ft living area, custom bit kit, wine rm, 6 52 ft art gallery, car gar Call now to see! 287-3901 Linda Holmes 285-5534 84W HICKMAN 3800 INGERSOLL 1123 ARMY POST 7020 DOUGLAS 2 BRs, CA, AH appl, New root and siding. Lots of storage. Low utll, Good W. location close lo shopping. Mid 40's, FHA or Gl, 255-1558 after 2 PM, BY OWNER 4 BR colonial, fam.
Vh baths. Mid SO's. 2515 Pleasant, WDM Ph. 225-2814 BY mid 120 s. 11' i interest.
13000 down, 2 BR bungelows, 1 baihea. Vn car detch. 2 car detch. gar. Lots are 50x150 265 0078.
5 BR. Urbandale. Close To Aerie Hay. Prjcedln 's. 278-9557.
HARDTOFINDI Ranch in prime aria! 3 BR. 1 space grlore. covered patio landscaping! Appt. Only. 2762799 PalMcMarus 29-3251 GOLFVIEW GREAT lovely 41S 3 Irg BR.
2vr tat, Fam rm. Game rm. deck pa- lio 276 2799 PatkkMariiis 279-3251 WDM RANCH 2 Conterr.p. Ranches oil wllair by NUIPH Ea. 3BR, 2 ba.
Great rm design Poss. Contract. 2252456 Nanc. Rhodes 225 963 TRADITIONAL Western Hills 2 Sly mint cond. 4BR.
1st llr Fam tmtrpl, Pun. Part like yd. Assume 7i loan 225 2456 Nancy Rhodes 225 7913 TREES ETC. Surround charming NW 2 Sty lrg MBR, Kit bath remodeled, fam rm, DBI gar. FHA VA terms 225-2456 Nancy Rhodes 225 7913 ASSUMEAT9 3BR 2 ba Windsor Heights.
Ion 70 Won last Call Now! 27J-612I SaadiEHingson 255 0225 NEW FINANCING At 12V aval on this 4 IS Urbanoale 4BR. 3 ba. all the Xdas! llUt Assume 225-2456 Dennis laierly 223-0800 WOULD YOU? Buy a near new 41S. 4BR. 2 ba.
cslm bll home at 1 3Vi Int. fam rm, FP. Mid 60s. 964 8970 Terry Miller 265 8982 S.E, POLK ACREAGE 3BR Ranch DR. Kit.
CA, 2.35 acres. 2 0 gar. fences tor horses. 12k financing. Mid 60s.
964 8970 Terry Miller 265 8982 HOME BY LAKE This Ranch in Avon lake lea lures 2 FP s. Full bsml. 2 gar ages, lantastic DM. let. 287 4339 lack Keller 285 7130 NEWLYWEDS Check out tins 2 or 3 BP Ranch wtull bsmt, Rec rm.
Chain link lenced yd. S27.500 287 4330 lack Keller 285 7130 ASSUME 8 Payments remain J3I0 00 on this 38R Ranch, country Kit, lealii'es Elec Range, eye level oven, 2 gar. Central ait! 287 4330 lack Keller 285 7130 ASSUME 10 Nt listing 3BR 2 Sty in Altoon a IX ba. Fam rm Den in bsmt. Kil appl stay J67.250 266 3131 Bob Young 967 3001 PATRICIA PARK Gracious Colonial on oversized lot.
4 BR. 2 ba, Fam rm, FP. Screened summer porch. 276 2799 PatMcManus 293251 ALTOONA 1 M. and werer turn, aa mo.
adult, no Pali. tondofi I INDIANULA Villi BR, 960 soft. From 1250. 961-3487, 961-7944. 961-7944.
284-5608 5AOinPTrNewer T-2 BR from 8195 Sac. drt, hi pd, 2 Bndroom, heal Included, pool, dishwasher, lift 2Jt443i LRun'SljlTloor. near groc. bus, Ideal for Senior alliens, i eiegenl, enormoui rooms, musl rVfflkT'T iWT 158. cro i.
HaaT 286-J9J6. 277-9617. BR ao l. In Granger, si5 plus elec. 243-3224, 317; iftATcETfidecbrl tvUHIIIIeT no at IDS.
225-9627 270-2426 Area. UW Pi WITHER Mt po. gn "uffls od7 1-2 BR from 12! UNIV 1 36th. 1 ibt urn. 'OLK ClTriaTe'eFea.
A. nopeis. TM-r ht.water pd. S2M, 2W-7417 Tft AprNeidlirVorTTlOTCoF tage Grove. z-e i-orimg isw Wtaptt oTrjsfTTiiiiirsr no m.71Uw 770-9919 nsTifhrNife' tFFic.
pvt. bath, utlts. Pd. im.w-i2ia. 1-brs.
tor singles. I75 195, Ri243i7 rpld Adlls. Avail. 1700 277-6113, 27fcR. pd.ACaduits,.!'.
mm. nv lBR: 3103 Grand 2I! or ijj BR, 3205 Kingman, AC J290 BR. 1050 2 5lh. AC, shwr pX ADULTS ONL NO PETS i4-um 7631 EFFICIENCIES AM utils Included. Great Westslde location Single aaun onnr.
no pets 100, dlu.p. on lU 'w nished 2-br. triplex, lull kitchen, campus, tur- central air, oft street parking, immednte lease with tall opiion. Pats nevotiabH). Can 232-H44 a'ter Gas heal and waier paid 1006 4th street SW ALTOONA TERRACE AVAILABLE MAY 1 Two of Oes Moines' nicest In lovely Roweclenda.
All lurnlshed tH eiec. and ohone Etlcy, S215. "NORMANDY TERRACE WAKONOA west HIGHLANDER SeeAJ CRESTVIEW 1940 NW 82nd, 2BR. heal, weter oool, air, J295 278-9747 No Pelt 255-4224 SHERMAN HILLS 244-4108 STUDIO'S, land 2 BR's RnSGTWATTMENTr 1101 LOCUST Crotd. Cfflc Idry, secure bkjg Adit.
Mrs Knott, 28-8258 rtDifTWriiinrW condP fioned, Kreened porch, oft street parking, 7Vm Kuoano, lieu. A vail iKay I. alt 5. 279-954 INGERSOLL2714 I BR, LR. bath.
Adullt, no 1474 fc. 1-BR. J205. newer, laundry, prk. on but, adults, no pels.
265-1217 Weekaavy-S Mor sal ARLINGToti. TSS.Iilcely air eond, carport No oetv Ad jhs Rets 981 Veil Hospital, newly redeceral- ec Quiet in-mi. wBMltKmo 3 rms, utll Pd bath. No children or pelt, or 277-8333 M. SUfmo 1 rms, mi shared barh.
Pd. No children or pets, 277 2873, 277 8333 Grand, deluxe on but. JrmeHiC On but. 8175. 3M.44-ML.
0LD ENGLISH VILLAGE 120; owicoPk Rjiwomjj; jjie NW LUXURY EFFCY. heal AC, Indry, JI00 mo. Of April, 1725 thereafter zr-rvsor fj-nao lBRL11212lsl.S'40 frt821kiandsj35277J23? CLOVER HULS GLORIANNE WDMI-ISR bale. pool. 2JS hMWCSRJspd.pmiti entrance Ret Oes.
No pets. 288- 2 9R. modern furniture, dish-wesheheat Ind tm 29-4435 ORATtrTarea tTcvs No children Can 255-7540 do Prkg Adit 116ft 24J-024. hiSHIanB PTCnTce efftTulJ turn 1135.276-322 lyTHterEflcy. Indry.
Ulits. pd. 61 jt Mur Apl 2 nice. sec. lock, utll pd tlSO 279-0701 243-3259 ERifre AreaTliRTTIW Pcy.
8 155, ulits. Pd, AdullS 289-1790. 315T. rms. "utlfi pOdulls, no pets 279-6T7or98l-06l8 rCTESTTOTTafoel 6ICW1 276 5377 DRAkTE arerTBRrui'liltTeseakT.
parkmg.tl0 262-47)1 CtTTAGEGfTrm efTcVpeS priv enir. Buvsizs. iiyirti BRaRETSSETT BR-ilefTP Sr. S-99S4or2i3-0li7 POCRBCVBT M.M tUt 1.lfW r67riiKTAWTNEfTcy: rtRTeverylhTng 752 20th 8l75pius DRAKlTTSrfSom. H.l url Inn Ml-illU Jv-iefePLrEHHencv" 8135moptut dep 280-9332 eHer I' 26TH.
1107 Nr Drake Nice Lrg 1 BR SWUtllPd 225-8264 rBR rurnTJirpTtlMMonlh. 779-0179 Alter tand Wkendv BffAifETTw Tbiks. "spacious, 2 br jACJxcr in ut-ixH FITEtNTB Br? rmllOT. 821 wk Deo. 780-7115.
PC. uep. an- itx or wvru. AH new erea, 2703 SE 16th CI. Si 1340mo.
tl50'dep. Rets reo 340857 or 243-0322. ioSTDRBAHDALE Ave Ig br. ttvfridge, Dw, wash-ory, CA gar 8350mo 278-171! 3 BR BR7i lull baths, fully crpld, 8l25 ptut ulils. 8150 dep.
2 BR wbtmi. 1320 Cleveland K20 per mo plut dep. Appll. turn 2623319 alter 5. ONET poss.
2 bdrm. No pets or children Very nice. 8265 plut dep Ulil pd. 265-7658. E.
tide, new, carpeted, at kitchen fuH basem*nt. 1300 mo, 4225 6. BOVd. 7t7-4'6 It batmf, garaVMbeit otter, nc kidsoats 279-3711 or 279-1081 TbR. CA.
apoOnerTi Hay. 3506 59th, 24 2199, 223-055: iTUB6ELXIThrji Biml CA No Pall 775-300 plus oep vis nign. 2- uw. EAsrsicErjidTm.TuTrbinr Appliances. CA.
S300 277-7708, tlwT'Rih and EvansrjTSK" CA. All applncs Gar J23 0555. iSk TJuplex. 14M7.no piutTeo 964-1 1 14. 964-2646 aik for Marge POLK City, 2 br" all appis." crpt" 52BO PIUS df O.
22-96Q0, 50im)5iDEJ liT'TA. 1335 month lOSttXTOrr-rBOTyT. 79-74 1 or S-I6 iUl sf 1 SB "Bmihetl alllc rrnt tltll pd Gar S275 278-8855. mut atjeatt br7wit; Pius oep. m-n ia anera CATTCC Mwer JlTrBaThTa.
appis, ye i -arx i R2T JvrTOhTmwT'Bft, avail. May 1, 1325 no pais. m-mi. iVilTOfff narTmt'. $223mo.
FURNISHED NO LEASE WARREN HOUSE 3000 University Ave. West Oes Mo.net 2256663 WARREN TERRACE 3150 University Ave Wett Dei Moines 2231163 NEW larn large ana up, air, paio. WD, Near tlo. 21 Lots nice frol In 1 1 2 2 i 3 I FOR LEASE AT 4313 FLEUR DRIVE OFFICESPACE W0 So Ft Suite RETAIL SPACE. AND 1648 SQ.
Ft. Ml-9iut, fxtenslon 154 FLEUR DRIVE rsq. ft. office or retail spaca leas. All newly remodeled decorated.
Move In today. -Ufir itotaiic WAREHOUSE SPACE 2,000 so ft Inside truck parking, office restroom, overhead doors, heal 4 water furnished, located Army rati Kb. H7-3901 Jeff Lawlt 2W-2589 UNIVERSAL REALTY 1123 Army Pott Road 70FRCE SPACE 9,200 so. ft. FOR LEASE AT 518 GRAND AVENUE WILL SUB-DIVIDE ND REMODEL TOSUIT LAUU, l-vwexi.
if OFFICESPACE NW acratt from Younkeri. UTILITIES PAID Large room, onlv 1125 Large room, only 1220. Beautiful newly dec suite, S6S0. CaJ! -21-i'l PRIME BUSINESS OFFICE w9.430 SO. ft lose to CaHfOT details, COMMERCIAL SOUTH Ideal location tor off street shopping.
64' ti Milage over 300 ft. deep on W. 9th. 3 bdrm home w3 car garage 6. shop on present location.
Contract or cash, hi 285-7370 Paul Piltman 285-7168 jjawtjarran Inc. 473C SW lti EXECUTIVE SUITES 600 5th Ave. Plaza Various tliet avail. Comdeiely furnished Secretarial services, untitles ano iinuoriai service furnished. Very reasonable.
Call Robert Jones 245-212) FCRTtlATE ANKENY INDUSTRIAL PARK ICES 9600 So. Ft. new masonry build- Ing, sprinkled, 2 dock-high doors, olve-ln door. Jusl completed, ready to move in. Contact Ron, 515-262 5M orTKETieiilitpactr 8-TR so.
87 per so. Includes all trash removal, parking ImmiI noil rilve area. Rfc EL AND AJSW.IA it MM non uavis utnni Ron Davit 27-t TVV mnta nMrkina. 1700 Id it. at S4uu per monin.
jj91-4100 SOME FINE OFFICES I Nicely appointed. Choice loca-, lions ciive ano. on c. ixm. Extrt benefits.
tl3-UW J- iia DELUXE Commercial space avail, near downtown. Quiet, parking, storage, all priv. facil. Mutt tee lo appreciate. 1100 to.
tl and up 243 JJ24, 8450 HICKMAN Nice business office for team, 600 so. It avail. May lsl. 1325 per nanc'udet ulils. 271- 1200-3000 Office and display Immed.
Poss. Paved parking. 5200 2nd i Mrs. Heathcote 789-I4JJ flCfllRAFFlCAR C-J HM. Nr.
Lutheran Hospital. 1 Mx lie ah uin. in. irooo spot igr clinic or offices. Call tor deiaiit.
choice office or retail, 1150-1400 inH Bjtrfeino UOO-S750ma. 274-4771 Dick Fraiee 276-8000 8364 HICKMAN NEW PRIME OFFICE SPACE Win linisn to suli tenant. 278-5992. OFFICE FOR RENT 515 Tttn St 5 so. ft, paneled parking, ut.244-4ra 4W UNIVERSITY.
1-3 gtiicey prkg tome sect, serv avail. tz per mo per otice. 279-9965. MAINI AND REALTY 223-0075 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY UN real estate advertising In mis newspaper is subteel to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 198 whicrt makes il Illegal adverlise "any preference, (imitation or discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex or national o'igln, any Intention lo make any such preference, Nmltailon or discrimination" Mtttueer will no! knowingly acceot any advertising for re estate wntcn ts ywa-iinn ol tne law Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised in this lewspaper are available on an eeual opportunity oasis. JESTER SINCE 1897 HIGHLAND PARK Jutl listed.
Large charming older home Specious living ard dining rooms. stvte kiichen with eaiirg area 3 gcod sired borms. Fnced attic for extra storage. Enclosed front porch, good basem*n! Newer wiring. Double garage EXTRA 50x130' LOT fNCLUDEP Priced to sell Fo' details caH Helen McDonald 762-3427 JE STER 8, SONS I9SiimAve.
McKay NEW WDM LISTING 1 BO 1 11 tn, peach1 3 BR 2 BA men. imi w.i on im hlk frnm FAlrnieadnwi Vhl. lb kt w'eat aiea plus UK area, paho end oh gar, fen vd, fin rec paho end oh gar, ten Vd, fin rm Immaculaie Cell lor 1DOI HJ-suw urace unox iis-ieot LIHLt Utftl I BR cottage In WDM, 1st ftr leunjj bsml, elec stove, CA, gar. 223-5050 Grace Knox 225-1481 1100 Grand, WDM 223-5050 WHY RENT. When ynu can buy this 2 bdrm home on S.5., new carpet, paim.
Gl paneling, irg oecx, irg va, appraised at 126.300, call loday! 285-7370 Nancy Hoskins 285-0589 RandlemanRitylnc. 4730 SW 9lh "TAKE STOCK IN US!" SOUTHEAST AREA Good location on this 3 BR ranch. FuH bsml. fenced yd with trees. New 2 car gar.
i-tnancing aair able jib uuick noss, can looaj 2139 Neil DMsklll I J666 BERRIER HIGHLAND PARK Elegant story with natural woodwork. 3 BR, din. beautiful carpel and decorating. Garage. Conlracl UVXt 12 interest, on'y Call me now to see this value 78 641 Don Wagner 223-4574 CENTURY 21 EQUITABLE REALTY BEAVERDALE BRICK VI Sly Reduced for quick sale.
Good contract terms Mid 150s. 274-9241 Phil Maplhls 279-; 175 New ranches and foyers 159,500 Including 70x125 Inl S3O0O down. Lower Intwesl rate under FHA SaSorooram 981-4247 An Equal Housing Opportunity TOWNHOUSE WEST I vi old 3 BR deluxe. 1800 so. 2 full baths, 2 car gar.
168,800. 1 aw itewi Daymen! contract. J. H. Cooper 285-7797 ASSUiMABLE LOAN 285-1823 Janel 981-0745 OARWIN SMITH REALTY ENGIISH STYLE BRICK Qualtv custom bulll 2 BR home in NW area.
Lvlv oak woodwork, Earn rm, gar. 100x330' lot. 276-85I5 Mary Jean 276-7219 nuiwt nt.wLi For Sale on contract, 53l SE 9th, 4 toe. 'am. iimij nv 162,000 24J-WWJ IU-VMl.
W5-761 I mtgm lam fenced yd. Contrt terms. 986-4366 KNAPP 986-3133 fBrtTrTrtjWarelecr 3 car alt. low morgage rat, WCM, 225-6260 frol, for 2 In 4 I REALTY NORWALK 556,900 buys this 4 BR Irg. deck, 14 2Vi cat Call today to see 981-0661 Lan Fazio 287-434.
DON'T DELAY Look at thlt tpllt foyer now Features 3 BRt, ,134 deck dW1garfam. wFF anif more. FHA and VA terrm lt-WH B. Fltigeretd 217-4321 CEDAR CLOSETS ktm lutl I of the extras In test! WDM It fam. rm.
rec. 2 c. gar. 223-3407 Kaaren Smith 225-172. ALL TERMS Avail on WDM, 4 BR, 2 sly, priced in 70s wall extras.
Don' mist this one. 223-3407 Kaaren Smith 225-172' CONTRACT TERMS BR newer Ig. LR anc del. gar. lo dn.
138,500. 223-J 3417 Rob Bunce 278-5111 FHA ASSUME BRLR, DR, fned bkyd. outstanding cond. and location Good terms. Call lo tee.
274-4811 Bob Dickey 225-1691 4 BR, 2 STORY Conl. or assume at below mkt rale, tarn, rmDR-LRfrpl lot! room. Mid 50s. Call for com- Dial Info. 274-4811 Bob Dickey 225-1691 CITY ACREAGE acre In setting for lovely 1 BR ranch, new carpet, Irg 2 car aft.
gar. Good astump- 274-4811 Joe Ann Lull 279-924! THIS IS IT Excstl. assumption, charm, trpl. new 3 BR, 2 car oar fenced vd. 274-4811 Joe Ann Lutl 279-9245 NICE 'N NEW Feeling, wllh this very there West Dei Moines 3 BR, 3 baths, 2 car alt.
hard to beat this home for 873,900 and tne terms. 274-4111 Mark Grossman 225-7111 Into this 3-1- BR ran. NW. Such a ftomllUk 223-3412 Pauletle Taylor 223-1320 i SUPER BUY! BR wlakovlew, CA and Vh aft. nr 5osl 223-3412 Pauletle Taylor 223-1320 WARM 4 SUNNY Windsor Hts.
BR, 2 Ity. ml many windows, unique fir. plan, must see. Make offer I 223-3408 Maggie Brown 225-7943 INTOWN Acreage with 2-3 BR, large fam. rm.
Includes 2nd beaut, set" 274-4811 Connie itlvers 225-1212 ASSUME 83. 3 BR ranch west area, ba CA, 2 cor 12000 dwn. S479 0OPITI VM.WO call lo see. 274-4811 John Martin 223-4666 DON'T BLAME ME you miss the buy of your 4 BRs, I'l-H1 ba den, Vn DG. Great terms.
274-4811 Chic Fehn 279-8977 Sharp BR, 2 sly. on beaut. Inascaoed lot, Irg. 1st fir. fam.
rm.lrpl., form. din. tuper rec. rm. 2 car at.
Plut mnw antrail HiHW 80s. 214-4811 Connie Stiver! 22S-1212 ALTOONA SE Polk 3 BR rec. rm. 2 0, nice yro. FHA-VA 26-7526 Phyllis Schmadeke 276-1696 LOW INTEREST Lo80s.2'lA.otlHwy.,Lg.3BR, 2'5 SF, rustic telling trees, brook, CA, dbi.
21-7580 Jeanne Slemme 270-2253 10 INTEREST 80 llnancing avail, on these new models, 3 BR, 2 FP, huge entry, oas heat. CA. prof. dee'd. wwailpaper.
859,950 to June Underwood 274-3803 GALLERY OF HOMES SOMEBODY needs to occupy this new lovely traditional Tudor style 4BR 2 sty. lsl fir laundry, fam rm beamed ceilings, birch wainscot, trpl, bookshelves. FuH WO from lower level lo 200' deep lot on greenboit. Prime location! Call me lodav for specifics. 274-0467 Owen Lofouisl 225-3010 ASSUMPTION 10 INTEREST WDM sly colonial 3BRt, 2v bams, gas heal, CA, frpl In fam rm, sliding doors lb rear patio 2 car all gar.
Bio yard! In the low 90s 274-0467 Waily Mann 255-3238 OFFICE OPEN TIL 5 30 PM 2928lngersoll 243-3440 HALSTEAD Owners reduced price, wants an offer. Spaciout 2 BR, DR, bsmt, dole gar. Low 140s. 274-483 Jerry Pruilt 270-2421 PLEASANT HILL Possible 5 BR, 134 baths, bsmt, lge healed garage. Excellent investment.
Contract lerms. 274-4873 Jerry Pruilt 270-2421 CONfRACT TERMS 2 BR, much remodeling done. Musi see inside. Low S20s. 274-4873 Mary Hlxson 278-0068 CENTURY 21 LEW CLARKSON LEW CLARKSON KISS YOUR LANDLADY Good-bye and move In this lovely ranch home, CA, attached gar.
garden spot, assumption or contract possible. 56,900. 964-2754 Kathv Miller 964-2201 SUPER QUIET NW LOCATION 2 sty conteme, 3 BR, bath and LR, many exlrat, vry low Interest, 10 yr HOW. 276-4593 Terrl Bender 276-9338 BAEHR 1112-29th Near Drake 3 bdrm. 2-slory wflreplj attic.
At 128.500. No FHA-GI. 255-0150. 409 NW 9th Ankeny Rustic ranch! 2 baths, 3 bdrms. big kitchen, imlly rm.
255-0784. 5214 Ovid-NW Brick 144,250. Cozy 3 bdrm. wgat hi. Full bsmt.
Deep lot. 255-0150. 244-5295 BAEHR 255-0784 REEL 3709 HILLSDALE Great Urbandale location, 3 BR 2 slory, Vh baths, liv. rm din. kit.
wllh dishw, rang, gas heal and Low 1601 223-5853 Ron Davit 276-9787 Beautiful Laroe Two Stories, Ranches and Sow Levels bulll by: SKOGMAN HOMES MODELS OPEN DAILY 1-6 PM Quail Ridge in Urbandale 9717 Madison Ave. 276-8541 Village Park Ankeny 1421 Pebble 944-2922 FREE 1980 OLDS CUTLASS WITH 12 INTEREST ON NEW URBANDALE HOMES 4405 Park Court. 4 BR 1600 so. tt. soul level, 195,500 8113 Hammontre Circle, 3 BR 1980 so.
ft. spill entry, 199,500 223-6009 Builder 255-5845 BY OWNER, must sail, contract nr r.i: iii-iiorv. 3 possible 4: fireplace, finish basem*nt, with kitchen and bain, b'eei tiding, garage, tlorage tied, Ig. yard wllh trees, appraised al will laka reasonable offer. Ex.
3819 So. Union. Call be- tween 3-7 p.m., 265-0928. LAKEWOOD BEAUTIFUL Very attractive 3 Bdrm. Bit '77.
Great view from deck. Big coun try kltcnen.rriceorigni. 243-3116 Thompson 243-4186 HUS1UMHEW1.I viw THERE ARE 21 WAYS To buv real estate and hav access to nunoreos oi itsnngs ror sale on conlracl assume or trade Century 21 Akkerman NW-QUICK POSSESSION 2 sWy, gas, older charm. Try uuvlirmi Mlriin' 274-1511 Gene Carlson 255-0912 AIMREA.LJYLO, FHA-VA ASSUME 3 BR ilf In Pleosanl Hill Earn 279-8193 Swalm Realty 24i-280' BY OWNER: 2 BR BUNGALOW Lresion avv, j7jvw. viivii att.3 nr mi i an Waveland Area, 2 3 All car 3 2 2 9 3 3 3 REALTY 18 Offices to Serve You 2103 4TH ST SW.
ALTOONA Midland Builders, Adventurelene tstaies. several styles. 60 s. Onei 265-1 iPM, 114 judi Norman m-f Ji 5401SE5TH Sharp VBlf goers Bill Hornet, solll level, tarn rm. CA, gas heal.
Super home HT rs It. 162.900. Open 4-7 PM. 287-4200 Ivan Eggert 282-012! BY APPOINIMENT SPRING BLOSSOMS Enloy the delights of the lovely floral garden along with loads ol room, 5 BR ran, huge fern rm wFP, entry kit, gar, Wi BA, priced In Ihe loo's. 964-208 Marti Ober 964-149! BEAVERDALECUTIE BR w3rd BR In fin bsmt Ext cond.
Gar, qulel tt. Assume or cont. 277-6211 Chuck Ellis 276-6281 160 ACRES 3ml. E. ol Humetlon on paved rd.
Price reduced for quick tale 19, 25yrt.lO Int. 277-6211 Chuck EHIt 276-828. 2BRC0ND0 1 Near Lutheran Hotp, StatehouH downtown. CA, elec kll, DW, ceramic BA. newer carpt, ter courtyard with a pool.
277-6211 Norvell Laird 277-4711 3PLEX Exc. farms cash flow avail on Income prop. 10-15 dn on sale price, win gross new buyer 868C per month. 40's. 277-6211 Clark Fobet 279-310! HOOVERMEREDITHWOODLAWN Desirable area, 3 BR ran.
DR, fir recrm.FPibar dbloar. 277-4211 Tim Morrison 276-3531 LOT OF ROOM this 2 sly, BRt, lva4BA, completelv fin bsmt. Kit wsky Hants open to lam rm. Call to see! 277-6211 Carolyn Bodln 225-8771 LIKE NEW L'S w3 BR, beaut tarn rm fP.l'i BA, wet bar, patio i deck, CA.dbl gar, loW's. 277-eYI) Jim Cullorlh 277-32K 7 ASSUMPTION Of 834,930 18,000 dn if qual under Iowa Housing Aulh.
3 BR. 11 BA, patio, home at 18S SE Park Ave. 277-621 1 Doc WeMwne 276-2601 NEW BDALE LISTING Nice 2 BR bung in exc toe. Gar, CA, exc terms. Lo 0't.
Can lo- 27-62II Belly Hopkins 964-204; 2721 71ST Contemn 2 sty In wooded area ol Urb. WDM schls, 3 BR, 2' BA. great rm, dbi FP, walk out, dm 77-211 Gar'y Gloshen 27l-529t CONTRACT Wlow kll on this 4 BR, SL In Urb. VI del gar, Ige landscaped Int 277-6211 Ken Meeker 277-2664 INDOOR BAR BE-0UE A rmv FP in this rnmb III tarn rm. 2nd FP in ige MBR DR.
Itt fir utll, hardwood firs, WDM scius. 7-I 6211 Marll Thalacker 999-236; TRY YOUR TERMS Sharp 3 BR SL wwetl decor rms, FP, dbi alt gar more. Cain 277-6211 Jim Barlow 255-3621 GREAT LOCATION 2 BR, Ige rms, beaut FP, CA, eat 277-6211 Marge Hansen 278-2521 SAVE BY BUYING Now. contract on 3 BR, 5L dbi beaut cond, tarn rm, am rm, get, if reduced, 14e gar, price B(S, lyCvf Gladys Sawyer 964-793; IMMACULATE 3 BR. bath, din rm, lit 8 laund.l'C.
gar, reduced. 961-7416, M. Goodrich 961-399t C-K-G WDM -90545TH OPEN P.M. Convenlionel 2 story colonial wali Ihe extras. 4 BRs -f 2 tuH and "i bath.
1st fir utility. FR wraised hearth frol blt-m storage. Lgc deck off kit and tenced back yd. Owner It trant- terrmtt 274-4821 Mike Ortich 779-1631 2 STORY i RD VM halh hMM Frpl, fam rm. 2 A.
gar. Fenced yd. Preferred residential area. WDM school. Priced lo sek Ihe 2744821 H.
Lanashan 255-1855 CHAMBE RLAIN, KIRK.CLINE "SMALL TOWN RANCH I bdrm. home with 146 baths, lsl tl, lam rm. wtfreptace, din. rm. High lean with 10V rate astu-mable to eligible buyer.
TODAYS BEST BUYS 392-47lh. 3 Bdrm. ranch, 1st fam. rm FHA or Gl lerms or low interest assumabte loan. 3840-41)1 Super 2 Bdrm.
ranch with new kitchen. FHA or Gl te'ms available. 1155 PINEHURST CIRCLE, NORWALK 3 Bdrm. Ironl lo back spill. 1st family 2 car gar.
Located next to golf course. 278-9111 John A Nelson 274-7646 CROWN REALTY CALVERT POSSIBLE CONTRACT Would even try a graduated payment contract on this 2 BR bungalow with lamllv room, dining room, 2 panelled basem*nt rooms, garage, In good N'wesl JSMiof'Carol Calvert 276-1961 Calvert Really 5005 Douglas You can buv thlt new 3 BR 2 ttory for 1J350 down. Avail at 10 interest great suburban location, 3 baths, formal din. 964-1117 Barney Clark 964-2393 RICHARDS REALTY INC CENTRAL MSTORYBEAVERDALE 1. 3 BR brick new furnace, OA 148,000.
2. 3 BR aium. sid. All kg. rms.
down. Fireplace. Near Franklin hin 156 .000 277-4463 McCaughlry 278-0951 CALL CENTRAL REALTY N1D.C. REALTY 8512 WINSTON OPEN 4-5 Colonial welec kll, din rnv fam rm, rec rm, dbi A ger 102.500 278-4700 Sam ErickMn 276-5126 ERA Shield Realty 2508 WOODLAND 2 BR tlarler home or rental prop- arlv. Onlv 116.500.
282-3131 L. 255-2424 DAVITT REALTY VETERANS Immaculate 2 BR starter. Nice si. R. and kit New cruis and cabl-nic 1 VA aooraised.
244-0333 Paul Mueller 225-3890 a INTEREST RATE As low as 81500 down. No closing costs. New 2, 3 and 4 BR Iwrnes. Total payments from 1295. 122,000 maximum Income, depending on family slie, 981-4247 An Sgul Housing OpjOihinJly BEST BUY SE Assume tow lnlrst mtg.
Charming 3 BR ranch, rec rm, poss. contract, CA, garage. Low 744771 LlnDa Blanuccl 274-0718 BELL REALTY 3708 INGERSOLL TRADE YOUR HOmTSi a new home In Greenbrier Estates. Wooded loft, WDM Schools. Private lake.
Ranches, splits, 2-storys. Includes all features. Priced In MO.OOO't 981-427 An Equal Housing Opportunity WATERBURYAREA Tudor brick 2-tlory slat roof, 3-bdrm, frplc, CA, Pa balht, 2-cargar. Excellenl condition. Py Owner, 277-3615, 1247-4612) DAVID N.
BELL ASSOCIATES WHEN BUYING OR SELLING CALL A PROFESSIONAL! 263-0620 Dave eT 262-6741 YoWRLTOotW 4 BR. OR, CA, Irg. lot, 1 acres, 40x36 160,000. Will Conlracl wllh favorable lerms, 405 lit Street East Altoona. 967-4666 3 pots 4 br.
Spill Level By Owner, Uroandale lop Incallon, priced low, 159,000. 276-7204; 276-8429 rm oar. Ir 2 2 of 3 If I I WE WILL BUILD your plan or our own on our lot or we will help you Tlndafot.Pltone 288-7219. CUSTOM BUILT HOMES CONTRACT OR ASSUME Two 2 yr old duplexes. Can be sold separately or as package.
Lo O's ea, rented, excel, cono. 123-3420 Dave Dartee 225-1349 IOWA REALTY CASHFLOW Excellent duplex, westslde, close lo shopping 8, bus. 2 bdrm, formal dlnlna rm. both units In ex cellent shape. SS80mo Income, 152,900, try 16000 dn 11 con-Iractterms.
285-7370 Paul Piltman 2)7-7168 Kenoieman inc. erju aw rm TRADE EQUITY Aot owner 8'i conlracl. Priced 6 limet iross. wants 10 iraoe ior lorm. 513 2a-yvw, Ti "plexes In new resBeniia! area In Nevada, Will sell on contract.
28-J5WOT lll-IUIj NEWTprexlocaled In Osceola, Will sell on contract. 895,000. Call 287-3553 or 279-9727. I ACRE LOTS with city water, rural Bondurant, on paving. Consider contract.
276-w BEST OF BOTH Town country, 4 bdrm, IVi sty. fam rm, gar, Ireet, barn bn 2 arret MA fxxi 961-7416 Kathv Warnr 961-3180 3 ACRES Heavily wooded i yr old 3 BR. 70's, 223-3420 Dave Dorse 225-1349 53 ACRES Oon't miss this 4 BR 2 ity, pond. 15 A. tillable, many trees.
223-3408 Maggie Brown 225-7943 IOWA REALTY REAL ESTATERS REAP THE HARVEST The gai den Is being planted on Ihls beaut 3' acres onlv 8 min-uies lo Valley Wesl. i vly 4 BR 2 Sty home wllh 1st fir Fern rm. Iron, CA, deck, garage and much more! All lerms. Call now! 279-9751 Sue Robertson 26-1454 EARTH HOME Site with South ideal for Solar heel! 5 acres. 110,000.
242 4895 Dorr Beotlle 276-2799 STANBROUGH REALTORS letter Homes and Gardens riTATr Plots wifFgodd wellsT Will sell on contract. 2 ml. W. ol Boonevliie. CASH FOR YOUR HOME Any condition.
Any location. Any ficLi Pact artinnl 265-6021 HOMESTEAD 278-4898 mrv smrxTHANee We buy homes and equities Call eves Frank UFralte, 981-0659, Buyers" Acreages, Farms-Income 282-9312 CASKEY WEXre Sli BuvlngTtouses. Don't Lei Tight Money Stop You. Any Condition. PARK: 282-8313.
Fast action assured. SHAMROCK 277-0541 WE BUV Houses. All Cash. Cen- trai lowa coniracts, inc. a- ytu A SPECIAL IN SUNNY N.W.
ARKANSAS This I year ok) horn totals 3340 ll al S2B25 oer so. tt. total price. Large assumabie loan with IBB', IKKlkaBnrt) WW llllC'aai. wrt nm, fireplaces.
City utilities, outstanding tocallon in Favelteville-Sprlngvilie area. Also lake and Investment property. Call Lenny Schuli coiled, 1-501-751-2637 or write Anchor Real Estate 1114 W. Sunset, Sprlngdale, Ark. 72764.
Vr. "Ttouno Retirement lekj home, tandv beach, walkout, 2 bedrm. deck, 45 mllet wesl of Mpls. chain of lakes. Con.
for deed finan. 142,500 after 6 PM. 6I2-274-84M owner "MiSSOORT HOUSE, 5 acres, creek, 2 BR, 2 bains, oHice, deck, 2 froics, nal. wond, handwroughl iron, heated stone floor, aools, oulbldgs. TSTAXREMTvTsionriTTbls remaining.
Wooded, I lakes, beautiful, located 12. ml. N. ot Columbia, Mo. 1250,000 or make nHl-308-432-5172.
251 combination farm in Marlon County Mo 225 A suitable tor row crop. Soil Is minture of sill loam, limed and fertilized up lo lest. Irrigation potential. Good set of Improvements, good fencv, 3 ponds, 2 deeo wells, County water line, on sla'e blacktop. Owner llnancing available.
Palmyra Real Estate, Palmyra, Mo. fll WFST LAKE JEFFERSON: Located In Southern Minnesota's "Bullhead Capital" Pertect oooortunily lor business or group purchase. Two multiple family unils containing four apartments now gelling good rental income. an Irnnl laal of lanriv laka lhore containing approximately 22,200 so. (I.
wilh a pulling green. iooo funino and recreational take with access 10 all Jefferson Lakes and German Lake by a small boal. Both units 1976 built wllh patio decks, much more. PRK to FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. For more intormation contact: Art Peierson (507-462-3331) Minnauita Lake.
MN. 5A068. enr-rov efficient 3-br noma, (nw 34. ri. mnmc near Bemidh, Mmn.
Includes 900 ft. lakesriore with 4 cabins on premises for excellent rental Income. Call 218-751-9644 between 9 and 4 weekdays, ask lor jonn. NEW OWNER 6 BAKER Grandview village Mobile Home Park. Upgrading.
Few spaces left. Close-in. No entry tee. 160 per month. 2 mcnlhs deposit.
3520 HUDOetl. 202-TJr MOBILE HOME 1969 Champion, 2 Bedrooms, kitchen stove end relrigeretor. 12 It by 60 ft M20O. Merle Hay Mall PH 276 8551. NEWS USED HOMES SUNNY BROOK MOBILE HOME PARK 2iS4 LOVELY 1973 MarsMlelo on landscaped lot, custom bulll wooden shed, corpelec pallo, air condillonlng, without furniture.
NMIieetojppreclate 287; 2344. VAN'S MOBILE HOMES 5832S.E.itlh 285-2867 NEW ANp USED HOMES set up In Soulhridpe Estates, 802 CASH FOR MOBILE HOMES J. WARREN SMITH 3810N EJ4lh 26a 3806 lie HOMES t'Ttvam Cnarr.u Qnrtif" OGDEN 514 275-4237 14x76 2-3 oR in stover neignit (well maintained, qulel part), IntnlaliM iloram shed. 26i-90j7. 265-06rt.
1979 imnn 6RV5 sel uc in li t. ran raruv in-ntsned, skirled, I'jd down. in orvl n7.lll nr 7A3-3477 Wirr set up at Park Skilled, lied down and decks. New tui nlture. S95C0.
28 4511 or 243-3427 ercel. 2 BR. lr, washer, dryer, OW, musr reii. vw. 5JC or wkenos irjwTft real Lakes Modular And Mobile Hornet And RV tenter Milford, IA 712-3382401 eceT 2 BR, 1000 or bell titter, elteMJO W7T clean, sei up In good E.
perk. Terms. 266ju 5i'i7T' AAnhile home after 6PM WSHFORJlOMESJSibll '76 REGJU. llx70. 285-5940 3346 For that Some 154 per 160 Sell 120 D.
309 3 12 KX 74-yiM, UNlfJuE HucM 2 BR. 2 bath, solarium, on River near downtown, 1300 pius 1100 uln ReH red. UTJFuRMi5MEB" ecncy, newly decorated, closa to Vett. Mospi'ai Outer 279-6097. SlOO'CTAHDrTrVDW ISgefT Apft 2 BR.
74S Immed occup. i balcony on tnsSne gar vi water Il nlsned. put dee. Apulls No pais 277-1690 RiVEeHiLLSll EHO 96EJ'SI UOO 9ih. 1 and 2 br.
18 sq. li buv sec TVJV4 Ntwt6LNVTP'rs-5k d'enoia Bwg O.l br on bus, energy 283- "28 CRiMftS. Avail nowTSRriJTT 20 mo. Country ilvk-g. Asett.
278-284 986 3838 lint ttwoOO gLINaPTS. 6875 HICKMAN 1 and 2 APTS. 278-23l Nl WERT SR tv baths, retrig siove, dishwasner 1002 30tti St. 1325-1350 mo 274 40S6weekVt I653EASTNINTH BR, utilities oeid. no pen, on BR, stove'retrig, il95mo, M- Tin.
osmi. rec. rm. ano wta ba. Mutt see Inside.
60s. 276-9119 Marge W. 276-1300 LARGE RANCH, WDM BR. DR. fin.
Vh C. del. lar. i-airmeaoowt area, line iomes.60s. 276-9T IS Joe Shaker 225-3803 ESTATE SALE lvj conv.
SW I BR, l'i ba Ig. LR wFP, DR, 50x160 lot. Reded. 52, 276-9 119 Jim Connolly 279-3752 SPLIT FOYER Neat 3 BR. Vh ba.
In SE area of newer hornet. Good 01 loan lo aixiima. Mid 50t 276-9119 Marge W. 276-1300 BEST BUY TODAY New 3 BR 1 lit fir. FR wFP, excel.
U'dale loc. 90s. 276-9111 Marge W. 276-1300 BEST BUY IN TOWN BR freshly painted Inside and out, on lide, dote lo park. 276-9119 Donna Smlthson 244-3351 PLEASANT HILL 4 BR, 21 BA, x-lge.
oak cabinets, oak wdwk. and paneling, lsl nr. fam. rm. wFF and laundry Tt car gar, also self contained 1 BR apl.
thai mnK for S70D omr mo. 223-3500 Kermll Marth 2J6-5016 EAST TOWNHOUSE BR, lull low off ttreei plenty oi space, assoc. dues 140 per mo. 223-3500 Kermitt Marth 266-5016 WDM Sharp lover, 4 BRt, fam. dbi.
aft platt sliders on kU. and deck. 114k atsumable loan. ALL TERMS Considered, S76500 244-1060 Yvelte Pierce 287-2887 TOP EXECUTIVE HOME assumabie loan on fabulous Don Marean home In WDM schl. area.
Lge. vaulted ceilings and atrium windows. 2 balcony, Exciting and different roccl nr afin .1 cm inn 244-1060 Yvelte Pierce 287-2887 SEEING IS BELIEVING BR. 2 I'i BA. tuner lo.
LRFR, DR, Vfi C. 50x289 inB nesb uietuiL eUW 26S-8I41 Jerry famt 964-1020 CORNER LOT BR ranch wtenced yd. for the little ones. Fanletlic eatt loc. 967-5156 Eltv Nance 265-8816 NEED 4 BR'S? Fam.
ten. much mare, excel! cond I mm. dSosTai! 265-8141 Joan Millard 967-23S4 SHARP 3-4 BR RANCH Fam. Ig. fen.
yd. and more. 40s. 265-8141 Joan MMard 967-2354 ASSUME 10 BR, Vi sw, 2 BA, DR, all updaled, newer tiding and roof. 2 C.
gar 40t. 265-8141 Jerry Tamt 94-1020 DON'T WAIT To see this lovely roomy ranch, 3 BR, new BA, remdl. fam. rm. Heck 263-0W6 COTTAGECONTRACT Jutt 10 mln.
from DM w4 BR, I'i balht, beaulHul FP, very large kit. Will sell aktermv 287-4200 Jim Junkmann 287-5577 SE POLK Beautiful acreage in Rising Sun. Elegant English tudor, 4 SF. (am. rm.FP, 2 car all.
gar. Call lArlMV 287-4200 Jim Junkmtvin 287-5S77 STARTER HOME Say "hello" lo a good buy, 3 BR ranch. Pay more? What for? Low Vt StlnuaiVMrDlune 287-4200 Evelvne Brav 280-8893 SPECTACULAR New home on quiet cul-de-sac, 3 BR, 7 ttory, tarn, wi-r on dn. area Call now to see. 287-4200 Evelyn Bray 280-8893 A BARGAIN Beautiful Cape Cod w3 lots.
20 oaks. Area of lovely homes. Newly decorated. Hot water heat. 2 FPt, Sewing rm.
Library, garden room. Try contract. 223-5959 Astride Supsliks 274-5093 87,100 assumes loan. 2 BR rental orsiarter Drive by UlSGoddard Ct. Call to see 265-6021 Sieve Smim 278-4198 SAYLORVILLEAREA Lge 3 BR ranch watt dbi gar on 1 full acre, lsl floor utll rm, great rm tor DR.
Many other ameni- tlet CaH me to see. 276-9241 Kathv AHen 265-1722 SPRING HAS SPRUNG Outside the Florida room ol this 2 plus BR Urbandale ranch. Fam rm, 2 FPs, alt gar Ig fenced yard Great buy 276-9241 Bob Ben 266-3371 REAL EYE APPEAL Newly painted tly. 3 BR, V4 balht. For DR.
Good N.E. location. Low 140s. FHA Gl. 276-7S86 Emily Dunagan 225-3027 ASSUME AT FHA Sharp 3 BR ranch.
Country kit. CA. Fenced yard. Bit '77. Writ offer at 149,500.
276-9241 Bob Belt 266-3371 ALTOONA STATES FHA 243, Gl 01 CONTRACT TERMS SE Pols ScWs tscellefit choice ot NEW Homes lor immed Poss. Starting it (54.600. Drive oat to out into center today lot details on Adventureland Rd to 10871. lo into CENTIR 277-6121 JoCmea 9676030 8800 -HAMMONTRtt CIRC UR8ANDALI GAS HEA1 in this newly opened lie Homes avail tiom 72,550 UP AH wFam tms, ftpl. (ai.
fn VA lerms avail. Take 86th Itom Douglas Inilow signs lo A nota Open 4 tri dark 279 3333 Patty Maiet Z76 7474 MW41IVEL Split neatly IbOO i. in living levels 101 DN Conflict terms attractive SE Polk schls. 266 3131 Keith Price 967-4664 DUPLEX CONTRACT Terms avail on several like nee Oupleies in lie rental area Brick Front Good Rental 266 3131 Keith Price 967 4664 ASSUME 10 Call Me 1 Grab the car keys! itiis prime WDM 2 Sty w4 BR i super Kit won't last! 244-6777 Ruth Herchert 274 2886 LOW DOWN! low interest i Ranch 5540s Urb Att gar SHARP! 276 1283 Andrea Schroder 276 2799 MITCHELLVIlLt 2STYS 3BR, one with gar Alum siding, both close to schls priced -in the Mid 30 s. 967 1 753 Cheryl Johnston 967 2897 CONTEMPORARY Cslm till in 79 woak wdwk lots ol utras Great 11 loan, assumption Owner trans.
Mid 80s. 225 2456 Nancy Rhodes 225 7913 EASTSIDE Nee Listing, 2BR Ranch IVi gar, tenced back yard $36,900 266 3131 Bob Young 967 3001 $23,000 Buys this Super Rental or Starter. Oak wdwk. Con tract lerms. Near 28th i Inger soil.
276-2799 PatMcManus 279-3251 59TH HICKMAN Super Starter mcl. all ap plianr.es. 2BR, tenced yd. i gar. CA.
Rec rm M'd 40 2762799 PatMcManus 279 3251 2 S. alt lo 10 Simmemal erpst sleers end hellers, 500 lbs. vaccinated. RUSSELL LUNOY. 3 pureored Herelord bulls.
CONN AMD NELSON 1 purebred Polled Hrford bull, 2 yea's ok). 12 Angus cowt bredfo calf soon 15 Angus steers and Mrs. 6M lbs. 19 Angus and Hereford sleers and heifers, 600-7M lbs 15 Hereford, Black Whilefac sleers ani heitert, 550 lbs. 15 choice Black Whlteface sieert and heifers, 400 Ibt.
Barn Ph. 712-762 3330 Loren Squires, Owner 712-762-3220 PERRY HP Special CattleSale Sat. April 12 1 p.m. Sharp Special Mention 9 4 year old Black Whlteface 3JI1 evemngs. EAST.
1 BR, uptiaiis, all ut pd eicept dec Aval May I. 265- 0LDE ENGLISH VILLAGE 1201 Office Pk Rd WDM2J3-1019 ATT60NJ BR7T BRTTRP 1231 May Crptd. AC. ulns axcepi etec 967 -6uS2 or 967-3863 1 1125 dep No peis. 785 4215 Jeanne RtnOieman 25-7370 8J00.
Bom -ex mre ytiis, Pd. NoidtilsJ76-5287J72-7j81 OAKLAND KNOLLS 1 BR H' Pd, baicjiyail nowJ44-1436. GR ANGFItta. Heat-water pdTI BR. crptd.
stove, Idry, AtNnpell 5723 986 3164 WhOTDKiWnAAN I 3R-918V irge 2 BR. 8321 IITU lllFSPAlC) 700 Sih EHO 288-6075 scruTffrsvvrreRRACE nt-r 211 Loomis, 2 br, 1230, HT. PO. Cawe TV. no kHtt, 282-3641 ORAKE, S.
wxs. spacious, 2 wtpfc, AC 1275, 276-1 540 Eleiatit Apartment Hoitai -av somMttil 1 BR From $215 2 BR From $265 2400 Hickawn Rood 279-8804 HORIZONS EAST 2 BEDROOM HEAT' FURNISHED pool, tennis courts, playground 4040 HUBBFLL 266-2000 naSOUTHi I 12 BEDROOM APARTMENT HOMES av FROM 1 230 at With these facilities 2 POOL TENNIS COURTS PLAYGROUNDS 2 ON MTA BUSLINE Army Post Road and SW 9th Just West of Southridge Mall III', i. cows orea 10 ywnnorn ouii, -s will have calves, al side, bat- ance heavy soringert rf 10 Hereford cowl, 3 to I yean ld, bred to Limousin bu8. ome with calves el side, balance heavy springers 14 Shorlliorn cowt, mostly young, Bred to Llmoutin bull Some have calves al side, bilance heavy snrlngert 4 year old Limousin breeding butt and 4 year old Shorlhorn breeding bull. This, is one man't entire herd and will ail be let'ed Sold In lots to lull Ihe Dover For more Information Ph.515-465-2764 Perry Sales Pavilion 75 Anout yearling hellers" 60 head 2 year old reg.
Angus heifert to calve soon All are Wye Hred and a very select pnup. ALSO several 2 vear old Angus bulls. Leslie Oliver, -Williamsburg, la. 319-A68-2755 after 5 pjp.jir 668-1841. 5 i Vmrrier.lal bulls.
TlTyrTolds, -j l-yr. olds: 2 polled, 3 horned Sires are Bavarian, Signai, Aca- Jou-Mac and Barrister. Have birth weights and weaning weights 319-822-4478. 38 older ewes. 15 2 yr.
old ewes. 3 2 vr. old rams. 4 tail ram Iambi. AH show gulityJ19-547-4063 6 jnlAP LiVEs foclc aOCTT Call for up-to-date info.
712-643-5761 ORIENT SALE CO. SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY, Reju'oi sale every Tuesday Humettonja. "SanThllls every Friday al Burwell, Netr." TECdNDAvTtiiJE BEAVERDALE BY OWNER New otflc and warehouse for low 50's. 2 BR, nail, wdwk, rent. 3500 to ft.
Air cond. Prkg. 1 fenced yd. part. Un.
bsml. No Call Mr. Rovner, 288-5729. realtor 1733 oTFrrtDICDlNB DELIGHT 1600 sq. ft.
with full walkout bsml. 5 BR't, 4 level spill, all levels fln-9 150,000, 13500 down. 5911 SW I Ished, family trplc, th 287-4770or 288 4656. ige. deck, privacy tnc, extras.
Or auk VARTERHORSJ. tuIOiy "Mare, I yrsTokT; A broke tor kldt or all around work. rvouio noe jrwu wvwi uw. yes SI5-M4 -1MI Pailsid 4000 so. uo for offices.
2000 down-can be divid- ed. 27 -47V6 T75S and WAREHOUSE SPACE HESS. CO iSi5J28fJ.3249 ofllcTspece, newlv decor tied, ample parking. Ml THUfir 3U-S943 OFFTCt bujldlP8 iocaled'tf 780 nsnwurm l.r. in yioune, ton J79-9727 ur 787-3553.
Sprinkled, heated, railroad, 1 KI So 1 M8-1009 sv? srTflrdSuienikrio 204" TRAI1.6T 4 horse bumper hllrh trailer, wh. and blue, fiber- glass lop, melt, tack compartment, 2 etrane doort, brakes, spare wheel, an like new, 12000 or besi Pflat. 5 P6ff WCfeTWS CTiwrTfWo horse trailer. Completely enclosed Very good cond. New paint, 7I2-6W 2S! after Year-OW OHXTMno siuo puny, 45" with strip, K50, 7li ll-ae 7380, Pomerov.
la. PONY $30. 266-1664 RFrOJxiii: wwTrTrpfa: Free del. Erme't, 2500 Sfc leih FTJGXJRMobHe Park an3 Sales. NawandUtdOnLol.2tj-34li8 A toil pel, a newer car, a hetle1 k.
Whatever you need, you're likely lollnd It In Clattlfled. 285-01 2 1 iyv at IrVwvLrlg, vsV M- llpiu'Jl 600 ft now vfVaW 74-194Q..