qb-inventory | QBCore Documentation (2024)


  • Handles all the player's storage such as personal, vehicle, stash, drops

  • qb-shops integration for displaying all items available to buy

  • Built-in support for usable vending machines

All exports listed are SERVER only unless specified

Inventory State

The inventory state is controlled via state bags using a state bag name of inv_busy. You can use this state to control whether the inventory should be able to be opened or not

Example (server):

RegisterCommand('checkState', function(source) local player = Player(source) local state = player.state.inv_busy print('Inventory current state is', state)end, true)RegisterCommand('lockInventory', function(source) local player = Player(source) player.state.inv_busy = true print('Inventory current state is', state)end, true)RegisterCommand('unlockInventory', function(source) local player = Player(source) player.state.inv_busy = false print('Inventory current state is', state)end, true)

Example (client):

RegisterCommand('lockInventory', function() LocalPlayer.state:set('inv_busy', true, true)end, false)RegisterCommand('unlockInventory', function() LocalPlayer.state:set('inv_busy', false, true)end, false)

Item Info

You can use SetItemData to achieve this

Items support additional information that can be added to them via an info attribute. This information will display on the item when the player hovers over it in a key,value pair format


RegisterCommand('addItemWithInfo', function(source, args) local itemName = args[1] if not itemName then return end local info = { uniqueData1 = 'uniqueData1', uniqueData2 = 'uniqueData2', uniqueData3 = 'uniqueData3', uniqueData4 = 'uniqueData4', } exports['qb-inventory']:AddItem(source, itemName, 1, false, info, 'qb-inventory:testAdd')end, true)RegisterCommand('editItemWithInfo', function(source) local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source) if not Player then return end local items = Player.PlayerData.items local itemInfo = items[1] print(json.encode(itemInfo, { indent = true })) itemInfo.info = { newInfo = 'New Info' } print(json.encode(itemInfo, { indent = true })) items[1] = itemInfo Player.Functions.SetPlayerData('items', items)end, true)


This function will retrieve the players inventory from the database via their unique identifier aka citizenid

exports['qb-inventory']:LoadInventory(source, citizenid)
  • source: number

  • citizenid: string

  • returns: table

RegisterCommand('getInv', function(source) local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source) local citizenId = Player.PlayerData.citizenid local items = exports['qb-inventory']:LoadInventory(source, citizenid) print(json.encode(items, { indent = true }))end)


This function saves the players current items to the database

exports['qb-inventory']:SaveInventory(source, offline)
  • source: number

  • offline: boolean


RegisterCommand('saveInv', function(source) exports['qb-inventory']:SaveInventory(source, false)end)


exports['qb-inventory']:ClearInventory(source, filterItems)
  • source: number

  • filterItems: string | table


RegisterCommand('clearInventoryExcludeItem', function(source, args) local filterItem = args[1] if not filterItem then return end exports['qb-inventory']:ClearInventory(source, filterItem) print('Inventory cleared for player '..source..', excluding item: '..filterItem)end, true)RegisterCommand('clearInventoryExcludeItems', function(source) local filterItems = {'item1', 'item2'} exports['qb-inventory']:ClearInventory(source, filterItems) print('Inventory cleared for player '..source..', excluding items: '..table.concat(filterItems, ', '))end, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:CloseInventory(source, identifier)
  • source: number

  • identifier: string


RegisterCommand('closeInventory', function(source) exports['qb-inventory']:CloseInventory(source) print('Inventory closed for player '..source)end, true)RegisterCommand('closeInventoryByName', function(source, identifier) exports['qb-inventory']:CloseInventory(source, identifier) print('Inventory closed for player '..source..' and inventory '..identifier..' set to closed')end, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:OpenInventory(source, identifier, data)
  • source: number

  • identifier: string | optional

  • data: table | optional


RegisterCommand('openinv', function(source) exports['qb-inventory']:OpenInventory(source)end, true)RegisterCommand('openinvbyname', function(source, args) local inventoryName = args[1] exports['qb-inventory']:OpenInventory(source, inventoryName)end, true)RegisterCommand('openinvbynamewithdata', function(source, args) local inventoryName = args[1] local data = { label = 'Custom Stash', maxweight = 400000, slots = 500 } exports['qb-inventory']:OpenInventory(source, inventoryName, data)end, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:OpenInventoryById(source, playerId)
  • source: number

  • playerId: number


RegisterCommand('openplayerinv', function(source, args) local playerId = tonumber(args[1]) exports['qb-inventory']:OpenInventoryById(source, playerId)end, true)

OpenInventoryById will close the target players inventory (if open) and lock it via state. It will then unlock when the opening player closes it


  • shopData: table

local items = { { name = 'sandwich', amount = 10, price = 5 }}RegisterCommand('createShop', function(source) local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(source) local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed) exports['qb-inventory']:CreateShop({ name = 'testShop', label = 'Test Shop', coords = playerCoords, -- optional slots = #items, items = items })end, true)

Coords being passed to createShop will be checked against the player's current coords when OpenShopis called if coords were provided during createShop


exports['qb-inventory']:OpenShop(source, name)
  • source: number

  • name: string

RegisterCommand('openShop', function(source) exports['qb-inventory']:OpenShop(source, 'testShop')end)


exports['qb-inventory']:CanAddItem(source, item, amount)
  • source: number

  • item: string

  • amount: number

  • returns: boolean


RegisterCommand('canAddItem', function(source, args) local itemName = args[1] local amount = tonumber(args[2]) if not itemName or not amount then return end local canAdd, reason = exports['qb-inventory']:CanAddItem(source, itemName, amount) if canAdd then print('Can add '..amount..' of item '..itemName) else print('Cannot add '..amount..' of item '..itemName..'. Reason: '..reason) endend, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:AddItem(identifier, item, amount, slot, info, reason)
  • identifier: number

  • item: string

  • amount: number

  • slot: number | boolean

  • info: table | boolean

  • reason: string

  • returns: boolean


RegisterCommand('addItem', function(source, args) local itemName = args[1] if not itemName then return end exports['qb-inventory']:AddItem(source, itemName, 1, false, false, 'qb-inventory:testAdd')end, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:RemoveItem(identifier, item, amount, slot, reason)
  • identifier: number

  • item: string

  • amount: number

  • slot: number | boolean

  • reason: string

  • returns: boolean

RegisterCommand('removeItem', function(source, args) local itemName = args[1] if not itemName then return end exports['qb-inventory']:RemoveItem(source, itemName, 1, false, 'qb-inventory:testRemove')end, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:SetInventory(source, items)
  • source: number

  • items: table


RegisterCommand('setInventory', function(source) local items = { { name = 'sandwich', amount = 10, type = 'item', info = {}, slot = 1 }, { name = 'water_bottle', amount = 10, type = 'item', info = {}, slot = 2 } } exports['qb-inventory']:SetInventory(source, items)end, true)


This function uses GetItemByName to find the itemName being passed

exports['qb-inventory']:SetItemData(source, itemName, key, val)
  • source: number

  • itemName: string

  • key: string

  • val: string | table

  • returns: boolean


RegisterCommand('setItemData', function(source, args) local itemName = args[1] local key = args[2] local val = args[3] if not itemName or not key or not val then return end local success = exports['qb-inventory']:SetItemData(source, itemName, key, val) if success then print('Set data for item '..itemName..': '..key..' = '..val) else print('Failed to set data for item '..itemName) endend, true)

Item Info Example:

RegisterCommand('setItemData', function(source) local itemName = 'markedbills' local key = 'info' local val = { worth = 1000 } if not itemName or not key or not val then return end local success = exports['qb-inventory']:SetItemData(source, itemName, key, val) if success then print('Set data for item '..itemName..': '..key..' = '..json.encode(val, { indent = true })) else print('Failed to set data for item '..itemName) endend, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:UseItem(itemName, ...)
  • itemName: string

  • . . . : function


RegisterCommand('useItem', function(source, args) local itemName = args[1] if not itemName then return end exports['qb-inventory']:Useitem(itemName, function() print('Used item with the name of '..itemName) end)end, true)


This export is also available to use on the client

exports['qb-inventory']:HasItem(source, items, amount)
  • source: number

  • items: string | table

  • amount: number

  • returns: boolean


RegisterCommand('hasSingleItem', function(source) local item = 'item1' local amount = 5 local hasItem = exports['qb-inventory']:HasItem(source, item, amount) if hasItem then print('Player '..source..' has '..amount..' of '..item) else print('Player '..source..' does not have '..amount..' of '..item) endend, true)RegisterCommand('hasMultipleItems', function(source) local items = {'item1', 'item2'} local amount = 5 local hasItems = exports['qb-inventory']:HasItem(source, items, amount) if hasItems then print('Player '..source..' has '..amount..' of each item: '..table.concat(items, ', ')) else print('Player '..source..' does not have '..amount..' of each item: '..table.concat(items, ', ')) endend, true)RegisterCommand('hasMultipleItemsWithAmounts', function(source) local itemsWithAmounts = {item1 = 5, item2 = 10} local hasItemsWithAmounts = exports['qb-inventory']:HasItem(source, itemsWithAmounts) if hasItemsWithAmounts then print('Player '..source..' has the specified items with their amounts') else print('Player '..source..' does not have the specified items with their amounts') endend, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:GetSlotsByItem(items, itemName)
  • items: table

  • itemName: string

  • returns: table


RegisterCommand('getSlots', function(source, args) local itemName = args[1] if not itemName then return end local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source) local items = Player.PlayerData.Items local slots = exports['qb-inventory']:GetSlotsByItem(items, itemName) for _, slot in ipairs(slots) do print(slot) endend, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:GetFirstSlotByItem(items, itemName)
  • items: table

  • itemName: string

  • returns: number


RegisterCommand('getFirstSlot', function(source, args) local itemName = args[1] if not itemName then return end local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source) local items = Player.PlayerData.Items local slot = exports['qb-inventory']:GetFirstSlotByItem(items, itemName) if slot then print('First slot containing item '..itemName..' is: '..slot) else print('No slot found containing item '..itemName) endend, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:GetItemBySlot(source, slot)
  • source: number

  • slot: number

  • returns: table


RegisterCommand('getItem', function(source, args) local slot = tonumber(args[1]) if not slot then return end local item = exports['qb-inventory']:GetItemBySlot(source, slot) if item then print('Item in slot '..slot..' is: '..item.name) else print('No item found in slot '..slot) endend, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:GetItemByName(source, item)
  • source: number

  • item: string

  • returns: table


RegisterCommand('getItemByName', function(source, args) local itemName = args[1] if not itemName then return end local item = exports['qb-inventory']:GetItemByName(source, itemName) if item then print('First occurrence of item '..itemName..' is in slot: '..item.slot) else print('No item found with name '..itemName) endend, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:GetItemsByName(source, item)
  • source: number

  • item: string

  • returns: table


RegisterCommand('getItemsByName', function(source, args) local itemName = args[1] if not itemName then return end local items = exports['qb-inventory']:GetItemsByName(source, itemName) if #items > 0 then print('Items named '..itemName..' found in slots:') for _, item in ipairs(items) do print(item.slot) end else print('No items found with name '..itemName) endend, true)


exports['qb-inventory']:GetItemCount(source, items)
  • source: number

  • items: string | table

  • returns: number


RegisterCommand('getItemCount', function(source, args) local itemName = args[1] if not itemName then return end local itemCount = exports['qb-inventory']:GetItemCount(source, itemName) if itemCount and itemCount > 0 then print('You have '..itemCount..' of item: '..itemName) else print('No items found with name '..itemName) endend, true)RegisterCommand('getItemCounts', function(source) local itemNames = {"apple", "banana", "orange"} local itemCount = exports['qb-inventory']:GetItemCount(source, itemNames) if itemCount and itemCount > 0 then print('You have '..itemCount..' of the items: '..table.concat(itemNames, ", ")) else print('No items found with the names: '..table.concat(itemNames, ", ")) endend, true)
qb-inventory | QBCore Documentation (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.