Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-MORNINGNEWS-2011-06-14 (2024)

Murray crowned king of Queen’s pg 14
Positive results from Nat’l. Social Dialogue pg3
E. Coli toll reaches 36 after new death pg7
www.themorningnewsaruba.com • [emailprotected] Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Prime Minister Eman invites Martin Luther King III to the “Happy Community” Conference in December
Prime Minister Eman explains the significance of the Divi tree
Martin Luther King III, the eldest son of the famous Civil Rights leader and Coretta Scott King, was considered by Prime Minister Mike Eman an especially illustrious guest for the unveiling of the Anne Frank statue, with a particular viewpoint on race relations and tolerance, which he eloquently expressed.
During his brief stay on the island, Mr. King and the Prime Minister discussed the work of the King Center in Atlanta, Georgia, and a sharing of information and collaboration on projects for the Aruban community. Prime Minister Eman called a press conference at the government house yesterday morning, June 13, to outline some of the possibilities addressed during the talks.
The King Center conducts a special program called “Beloved Community,” with the intention of “bringing the realization that we are here on this earth to treat each other without violence, with caring and compassion.”
“Aruba is going through a similar process,” stated the PM, “we are working with youth, the neighborhoods, with people, to create a better quality of life. During the next couple of months, important projects will be commencing in communities around the island not only to upgrade them physically, but to create a better quality of life; we will also work on the social cohesion. We see an opportunity to work with Mr. King and his staff in exchanging information and ideas; possibly an internship. I believe the way the community has endorsed the significance of improving the core values of tolerance and solidarity as they did yesterday (during the unveiling of the statue) has really inspired us all.”
Mr. King thanked Prime Minister Eman for his invitation to the dedication of the Anne Frank Memorial and “continuation of the creation of what my father called “Our Beloved Community.”
Continued on page 3
Unveiling of Anne Frank statue brings international and island dignitaries together
First Lady Doina Eman and students unveil the statue
Foundation President Diana Pieters and artist Joep Coppens
In a demonstration of the tolerance for all religions, colors and creeds for which the image of Anne Frank has be come a symbol over the decades since her death, the Aruban Foundation Respeta bida ... semper corda” (Re spect life ... always remember) welcomed an array of island and international dignitaries for the unveiling of their first project, a statue of the young girl who died in a Nazi concentration camp, in Wilhelmina Park in Oranjestad.
The statue by Dutch artists Joep Coppens was commissioned by the foundation which came into existence at the end of last year, at the urging of Aruba’s Prime Minister Mike Eman, with First Lady Doina Eman as its patroness. She had the honor of joining with a group of students from Juliana School in performing the official unveiling ceremony, after a large gathering listened to the inspiring words of guest speakers and community leaders on the necessity of peace through tolerance of all beliefs.
Continue on pg 9
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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Germany recognises rebels as fighting rages in Libya
BENGHAZI, Libya (AFP) Germany yesterday officially recognised Libya's rebels amid a surge in fighting across the country and as the United States pressed African nations to demand that strongman Moamer Kadhafi step down.
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said after meeting rebel leaders in their capital Benghazi that Germany recognises their National Transitional Council as the "legitimate representative" of the Libyan people.
"We want a free Libya, in peace and democracy without Kadhafi," he added.
Germany becomes the 13th nation to recognise the NTC after Australia, Britain, France, Gambia, Italy, Jordan, Malta, Qatar, Senegal, Spain, the United Arab Emirates and the United States.
Berlin abstained from a UN
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Security Council resolution vote on March 17 backing intervention in Libya and chose not to join the NATO-led air war, but Defence Minister Thomas de Maiziere said last week it would be ready to consider sending peacekeeping troops to Libya if and when Kadhafi falls.
In Amman, NTC chairman Mustafa Mohamed Abdel Jalil told reporters Germany's recognition "will definitely boost international support for the Libyan revolt."
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday pressed African countries to demand Kadhafi's departure.
Kadhafi remains adamant he will not step down, according to the head of the World Chess Federation Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, who said that during a game of chess in Tripoli on Sunday the strongman insisted he had no position of power to relinquish.
Oil-giant Venezuela tries to limit energy use
CARACAS, Venezuela (AFP) - Venezuela, one of the world's leading oil producers, is trying to limit its power consumption as the country's decrepit power utilities struggle to keep up with the demand.
The government yesterday said the biggest electricity consumers — shopping malls, factories, office buildings and even some homes — must trim their energy use by 10 percent compared to their monthly average use.
Vice President Elias Jaua and Electrical Energy Minister Ali Rodriguez said that homes that manage to cut back on their power use beyond the 10 percent will get sharp discounts in their utility bill, which is already subsidized.
The move follows a series of weekend blackouts, and comes after Venezuela in 2010 imposed stiff power rationing controls for months.
Che diary revolution in Havana
HAVANA, Cuba (AFP) - Cuba has published the diary that revolutionary icon Ernesto "Che" Guevara kept during the guerrilla campaign that brought Fidel Castro to power in 1959, its editors announced Monday.
"Diary of a Combatant" recounts Che's experience from the landing on December 2, 1956 of a band of revolutionaries aboard the yacht Granma, and their three-year armed struggle in Cuba's Sierra Maestra.
Published by the Australian firm Ocean Press/Ocean Sur, the book was edited by the Che
Hugo Chavez recovers after surgery in Cuba
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Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he is recovering well after surgery in Cuba last week for a pelvic abscess.
Mr Chavez, 56, said that he was carrying out his duties from Havana.
He did not give a date for his return, although officials say he is expected back "in the
coming days."
Mr Chavez, known for his high-profile style of governing, had just recovered from a knee injury that had kept him out of the public eye in recent weeks. He was diagnosed with a pelvic abscess during an official visit to Cuba last week and underwent surgery on Friday.
of Cuban published
Guevara Studies Center, which is directed by his widow Aleida March.
Che’s diary of his ill-fated guerrilla campaign in Bolivia, where he was captured by the Bolivian military and executed October 9, 1967, was a publishing sensation when it first appeared in 1968.
His remains were recovered in Bolivia by a Cuban-Argentina forensic team in 1997 and transferred to Cuba, where they are buried in a war memorial in Santa Clara, 280 kilometers (175 miles) east of Havana.
UN: More than 10,000 have fled Syria
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Syrian refugees at a makeshift refugee camp in the northern Syrian city of Idlib near the Turkish village of Guvecci in Hatay. (AFP PHOTO)
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Positive results from National Social Dialogue
ORANJESTAD - The private sector is poised for receiving an obligatory pension program as of January 2012. Employees and employers will begin contributing to a long desired pension program for the private sector. The agreement for such a program was reached last week in the national social dialogue. Prime Minister Eman expressed his satisfaction with this agreement. Eman also remarked that with this agreement - to introduce an obli- gatory pension for the private sector - Aruba is taking a giant step in a unique direction.
According to director of FATUM, Mr. Diego Frankel, Aruba will be one of the only three countries in the world with such an obligatory pension program for its citizens.
Currently, the majority of our citizens depend completely on the AOV (old-age pension plan) when they reach retirement age. For a couple, the amount expected at retirement is Afls. 1700 per month. For a single person, the amount is Afls. 1000 per month.
In view of the current cost of living on Aruba these amounts are definitely not enough.
According to the FATUM
ORANJESTAD - The weekly Bon Bini Festival takes place tonight at the Fort Zoutman in Wilhelminastraat. Come mingle with the locals and enjoy a taste of Aruban culture.
This week the festival will feature the traditional Aruba caha di orgel “Crystal”, folkloric music by Tipico Ola
director, the benefits of an obligatory pension is not only a matter of a better income at retirement, it is also a great stimulus for our economy as our senior citizens will have more to spend and those who are investing in the premiums also have more to spend. FATUM as a provider of life insurance policies, among others, will benefit from this new development as well.
Eman, in his remarks said that this pension program for the private sector will be the “golden nugget of Aruba’s social law.” Much work needs to be done in order to be ready with the law and for the introduction of the pen
Tropical, dance performance by Youth in Action, trio performance by Jacobs Family, poem declaimed by Samantha Trinidad, soloist Quincy Hasham and steel pan band The New Generation.
During the festival there will be local food, sweets and traditional local arts and crafts on sale.
sion program in January. The social partners will be compelled to work diligently and do whatever is necessary to meet the January 1, 2012 deadline. This law and the new pension program, according to the Prime Minister, demonstrate the solidarity of our people - employer and employee. The solidarity of the employer towards the employee, for in the end both parties will be paying for the employee’s pension.
Coming to an agreement of this nature in these difficult times is an expression of our love for our fellowman now and for the future, says Eman.
Arubus has regular busses from all hotels areas to Oranjestrad Central Terminal, which is only a short walk from Fort Zoutman. Round trip bus fare is $2.30. The festival is from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Entrance fee is $3, = Come and experience a taste of our ‘dushi’ Aruba.
The weekly Bon Bini festival is tonight
Prime Minister Eman invites ...
Continued from page 1
A green lined mug from Mr. King as a gift to the PM
“This is an extraordinary time in our world,” he continued. “It seems the world needs more the message of love, tolerance and non-violence. At the King Center, established by my mother, we are forging ahead in this quest; though peace does exist in parts of our world, a large part of it is still engaged in violence.”
He then outlined some of the basic guidelines of their program; listing the aspirations of most for peace and security for their family, decent jobs, healthcare and the chance for a decent home and education.
The dignitaries expressed they are in talks for Mr. King and his team to return for a conference the government is scheduling for the first week in December, the “Happy Community Conference.” A featured speaker will be Robert Putnam, a political scientist and professor of public policy at the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government and author of the contro versial bestseller “Bowling Alone.”
“We hope to continue developing this partnership with this great country of Aruba, which represents much to many,” claimed Mr. King. My father often spoke of “our being connected,” we have to find ways to reduce racism and find ways to not ultimately resort to violence and militarism. .. We must find ways to uplift human dignitary and the human spirit. This is ultimately where we must go.”
He then presented the Prime Minister with a book from his father “Strive towards Freedom” and another book about the working people of America. In turn, PM Eman gave Mr. King a sculpture of the island’s signature Divi tree, which he felt is symbolic of working with the forces of nature, not against them, a parable to be considered in relations with our community, family and other nations.
by Rosalie Klein
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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VEFA World of Color - The Doctor is in!
Aruba has had their own on-island paint factory for nearly 4 decades, which offers fashion-conscious homeowners some distinctive options when expressing their individual style through home decor.
ARVEFA, is a division of the Antillean Paint Factory in Curagao, which was originally started by Prins Bernhard, father of Queen Beatrix, and his partner Mr. Groen.
This allows ARVEFA access to deliver custom made paints for industrial use, as well as the domestic variety they produce here on Aruba.
A visit to the paint factory reveals one very in- A sample of the Living Colors Collection teresting fact; their employees and executives are passionate about their product, particularly Technical Advisor Otilio (Boy) Goeloe, whose years of experience with paint, and personal technical training have earned him the nickname “The Paint Doctor.”
“People come to me for advice for all their unusual painting problems,” explains Boy, who has 27 years with the company. “Aruba’s climate can be particularly hard on exterior paint; not only the intensity of the sun all year round, which will certainly fade the colors, but the corrosion that is always an issue for building close to the sea. The salt air is pervasive and will affect both exterior and interior metal in a short time. Customers also come to me when they find they must too frequently repaint, or have crumbling walls, and I explain to them the particular problems when building in certain areas of Aruba, and what they must do to overcome them.”
One singular service ARVEFA can offer is their custom color room, run by Hubert Leest, a 32 year veteran with the company. ARVEFA uses a system that scans in a sample of any particular color a client desires and then their computer software analyses the elements of the spectrum and devises a recipe to reproduce it exactly, which they mix up on the premises. “People bring us swatches of the strangest colors sometimes, but they want enough to paint their entire house,” he recalls, “no request is too big or too small.” Most paint stores deploy a common system to mix up a batch of paint selected from their many samples, only ARVEFA can go beyond that and produce vats of colors to exactly reproduce swatches, rather than having to select as close a match as possible from preset formulas.
ARVEFA is also mindful of the trends in house decor and what is fashionable for an island such as Aruba, and is introducing their new Living Colors Collection of Comotex in June. Even neutral tones and whites have a vibrancy and flair; Boy advised this new collection for the small shopping mall attached to the recently renovated San Nicolas bus terminal, resulting in a lively and cheerful commercial center.
Aruba’s own paint factory still produces 5 types of the best priced wall covering on the island, both interior and exterior; discounts for 60+ when buying direct from the factory are now in effect. AREVEFA, Aruba’s own paint factory, is still the place to go when you need a little color in your life!
Boy Goeloe with color expert Hubert Leest
Sun, water and Vitamin D in Aruba

Ever since there is water around the world, families introduced their kids into tubs, pools and lagoons. Russians were the first culture that put their new bom babies in the water to learn how to swim. Indeed, there is a huge benefit that comes from the sunlight for new bom babies, toddlers and infants.
Vitamin D helps your baby’s body obtain calcium, which is required for development of strong bones and teeth. A deficiency of this vitamin can result in rickets, which affects bones development. The bones of a child with rickets are unable to sufficiently support his body weight, resulting in bowed legs. Surprisingly, the most important source of vitamin D is not food. It is Aruban sunlight! This steroid hormone that the body produces using ultraviolet b rays from the sun. However , is not a good idea to take your kid during the warmest part of the day. It has been recommended to take your baby for about 20-60 minutes weekly to have enough Vitamin D.
Take in count, toddler Wilma from Finland enjoys nice sunny days at home in Aruba. This intelligent 1 year old girl has been in the water since she was bom in company of her mother Minna and 4 year old brother Walter. Mina takes her kids a few hours after midday because she is aware of their vitamin d needs.
In order for me to obtain this photo, wasn’t easy. Firstly, her parent and I had to find a right place so she receives the proper sunlight to make her feel more comfortable underwater. Secondly, being underwater for about a minute to get the right shot and prevent blurry images before she went in the water. Thirdly, create a special sign for Wilma and Minna to come down and get what you are observing today. Even though, she is only 12 months old; she was enjoying her photos and it looked like she knew was she was doing for such a young age.
On the other hand, Walter’s underwater photos were a greater challenge than her sister because her sister wanted to get the pictures. He shown in
terested in the underwater photos for 5 minutes, after that time became a bit tricky to get the right shot.
Further studies found that water helps to meet more friends, increase movement, vitality, excitement and many more benefits. However, after being comfortable in the pool; introduce your child to the beach so he/she discovers how amazing and playful the water is and sand that surrounds them. In fact, we can sleep better when going to the sea. Sea air contains healthy negative ions that accelerate our ability to absorb oxygen. Also, balances levels of serotonin, a body chemical linked with mood and stress. Aruba is rich in sandy beaches perfect for your toddler to enjoy and swim (when old enough). In addition, when they grow up they could become Olympic athletes, divers or protectors of this beautiful environment.
So take your child in this beautiful island and let it enjoy the benefits of sunlight!
By Gino Giannone Medical student Underwater Videographer and Photographer
The World Health Organization (WHO)
ranks Aruba’s drinking water as meeting the highest safety standards. Please drink the water
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Reading quiz DVD and certificates presented
The first Reading Quiz was held on May 6th by the Foundation Bon Nochi Drumi Dushi. This event turned out to being a great success, according to the organizers.
The quiz consisted of three parts: storytelling by a wellknown person in the community. The first storyteller was Minister of Education, Arthur Dowers, who told a Compa Nanzi story to the children.
The second part of the quiz was the formulation of words, which included spelling. With respect to the contents of the
book from which they read, there was the element of dramatization which gave the quiz a creative character.
The two schools who participated were Fatima College and St. Paulus School. Both schools were well versed in the content of the book written by Jaques Thonissen entitled Spoki Bandido y Buscado di Oro.
Last Friday, June 10th, Fundacion Bon Nochi Drumi Dushi accompanied author Jaques Thonissen on a visit to the two schools to present the certificates to the deserving partici pants and the entire class. They also received a copy of the DVD of the quiz.
The children eagerly received their certificates affixed with the photos. Teachers were also very happy to receive the DVD which they can now use with other children at the school in presenting the book.
The reading quiz turned out to be an innovative and creative way to treat a book and explore its contents in depth. It also served as a means to encourage reading and to illustrate the pleasure of reading.
The children expressed great excitement about the program. They shared how they enjoyed preparing and participating in the quiz and discovering their talents.
Invitations have already gone out to other primary
schools for the next Reading Quiz.
The invitation is out and these schools must now begin preparing their kids so they can be ready as soon after the start of the upcoming new school year 2011-2012.
Tuesday June 14, 2011
Teen brain response linked to pop songs’ success: study
WASHINGTON (AFP) When listening to certain pop songs, teenagers' brains may offer clues about what will or won't be a megahit, US re searchers said.
By studying the gray matter of adolescents using a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine, or MRI scan, researchers found that activity in a region called the ventral striatum was linked to the popularity of the music.
The small study, conducted in 2006 at Emory University in Georgia, involved 27 youths aged 12 to 17 who were asked to listen to a selection of little known pop songs from the social networldng site MySpace.
The adolescents underwent MRI scans while listening and were also asked to rate the songs for likeability.
Three years later, lead researcher Gregory Berns was watching an episode of the popular music show American Idol and recognized one of the songs that had featured in his study.
Steve Jobs comic book to hit in August
The life of Apple visionary Steve Jobs will be told in a comic book to be released in August by the studio that did the same with the story of Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg.
"His story, and that of Apple, is epic," Bluewater Productions president Darren Davis said of Jobs.
"His innovations command front page news, speculation of his health affects the stock market," Davis said. "Not bad for a college dropout."
The 32-page comic book will be available in realworld bookstores and at online shops such as Amazon.com, Barnes &
He began to wonder if his results may have been able to predict the pop song's success, so he revisited his research and compared it to the songs that had become popular in terms of sales from 2007 to 2010.
"It's not quite a hit predictor, but we did find a significant correlation between the brain responses in this group of adolescents and the number of songs that were ultimately sold," said Bern.
Positive brain responses could predict close to onethird of popular songs, while about 90 percent of songs that drew little activity in the brain would go on to flop, the study said.
How the teenagers rated the songs showed no link to the songs' future success.
The study was published in the June 8 issue of the Journal of Consumer Psychology.
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Japan develops technology to stop standby waste
Noble and Borders at a price of $3.99, according to a release issued Monday by Bluewater.
Impetus to publish "Steve Jobs: Co-founder of Apple" came from the success of Bluewater's comic book biography of Zuckerberg, the publisher said.
The Zuckerberg comic sold-out and Bluewater is to release a graphic novel version of the Facebook cofounder's story in September at a price of $10.99.
"There are definitely some similarities between Zuckerberg and Jobs," said Bluewater writer C.W. Cooke.
"The idea behind both efforts is to show the person behind the personality and that it is never what you'd expect," the writer said.
A biography of Jobs title "iSteve: The Book of Jobs" written by former Time magazine managing editor Walter Isaacson is to be released as a book next year and has logged strong pre-orders at Amazon.
The book, the first authorized biography of the technology visionary behind the Macintosh computer, the iPod, the iPhone and iPad, is to be released on March 6, 2012.
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TOKYO (AFP) - Japanese researchers said Monday they had developed the technology to stop power being consumed by personal computers, televisions and other electronic devices when they are in standby mode.
NEC Corp. and Tohoku University said they aim to bring the new semiconductor technology into practical use within five years, potentially reducing the estimated two percent of household electricity wasted through the standby mode.
Currently, electronic devices that are plugged into power outlets receive a constant flow of electricity to hold data — even when switched off.
The new technology is based on "spintronics" which exploits the intrinsic spin of electrons and its associated
magnetic moment. Electrons
act as magnets that can read and write data.
The data is retained even if the flow of electricity is completely cut off.
NEC said it hoped that the new technology would help cut power consumption by "around 25 percent at large data centres" equipped with many computers.
Photo depicts Tohoku University professor Hideo Ohno with a silicon wafer featuring large scale integrated circuits (LSI’s) in Tokyo,

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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Health & Living
E. Coli toll reaches
oh nooo ; Head lice
36 after new death
Head lice are a very common problem, affecting millions of people each year — especially preschool and elementary school-aged children and their close contacts. Head lice are tiny, wingless, parasitic insects that live and feed on blood from your scalp.
Common signs and symptoms of head lice may include:
—Intense itching. An allergic reaction to the saliva that lice inject during feeding may result in itchy red bumps on your scalp, neck and shoulders.
-Adult lice on scalp. The most
Please remember to check your breasts every month
common spots to find adult lice are behind your ears and along the back of your neck.
—Lice eggs (nits) on hair shafts. Nits resemble tiny puss* willow buds. Nits can be mistaken for dandruff, but unlike dandruff, they can't be easily brushed out of hair.
Head lice can't fly or jump, and they're not transmitted by pets. They spread by head-to-head contact or via contact with contaminated personal belongings or home furnishings:
*Head-to-head contact * Sharing personal items (via such items as:)
Caps, hats and scarves Brushes and combs Hair decorations, such as barrettes
*Home furnishings
Head lice may sometimes be
contracted by contact with
Upholstered furniture
Young children, preschool through elementary age, are most prone to infestation, which often transfers to a child's family members. Females of all ages get head lice more often than males do.
Usually you can get rid of lice by using nonprescription shampoo that's specifically formulated to kill lice. However, if nonprescription shampoo doesn't kill the lice, your doctor can prescribe a stronger, prescription shampoo.
FRANKFURT, Germany (AFP) - The death toll from a killer bacteria outbreak rose to 36 on Monday, German health officials said, one day after warning that more fatalities cannot be ruled out.
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Germany's national disease agency, said 3,228 people had fallen sick from the virulent EHEC (enterohaemorrhagic E. coli) or the linked kidney ailment haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS).
On Sunday, German officials said 34 people had died in the country, but upped that figure to 35 on Monday.
"For many days the number of new infections from EHEC or HUS communicated to the RKI has declined in the country," the agency said in a statement that confirmed the new toll.
German Health Minister Daniel Bahr told Sunday's Bild am Sonntag newspaper that he was encouraged by the decline in new infections, but warned that more deaths were still possible.
Germany's Federal Institute for Risk Assessment said Sun day the outbreak is the most serious of its kind recorded in the world to date.
After several frantic weeks of searching, German authorities on Friday said they had identified the contamination source as being vegetable sprouts from an organic farm in Lower Saxony, northern Germany.
The farm cultivated sprouts from a variety of products including lettuce, azuki beans, mung beans, fenugreek, alfalfa and lentils.
Authorities have said though that the farm in the northern village of Bienenbuettel had done nothing wrong.
The RKI still recommends not eating raw vegetable sprouts.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Women’s Club of Aruba installs a new board
VP Omira Silva, Diana Uchtmann, Incoming President Rubia Maduro
Mily Henriquez left, Adelaide Ponson center with committee chairpersons
Some members
Saturday night, June 11, the WCA welcomed a new board with a very “green” event in the ballroom of the Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino.
Outgoing President Mily Henriquez welcomed the new leader for 2011-2012, Rubia Maduro, who was awarded a Kibrahacha tree during the environmentally aware-ceremony.
Former WCA Presidents Adelaide Ponson and Diane Uchtmann explained that
saving Aruba’s natural environment against over development has become a cause of the Women’s Club of Aruba, and so each of the new officers were awarded a tree or bush with certain properties that embodied the requirements of their office. “Kibrahacha” literally means “breaks a hatchet” in Papiamento, because the wood is so hard, symbolizing how a service organization president must endure and be tough in leading her mem bers.
The incoming board includes: Vice President Omira Silva, who was elected for a second term, Recording Secretary Milagros Posner, Corresponding Secretary Benita Esquerra, Treasurer Norma Brinkenberg, Program Chairman Greta Williams, Welfare Chairman Carmen Russel, Study Group Chairman Bernadette Schouten, Ways & Means Chairman Adelaida Ponson, and Mily Henriquez, who will now hold office as Past President.
Members at Large, Frances Mosconi, Lilian Martis, Marjorie Dijkhoff, Filomena Croes, and Sandra Rajnherc also received young plants for them to “go out and help our island grow and flourish.”
The WCA was founded in September of 1934 by women of the Lago Colony and in 1937 joined the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. In 1948, they expanded membership to those outside the colony’s residence.
The service organization has initiated and supported many programs over the years to benefit the community, financed by their various fundraising events and is particularly know for their HIV/AIDS advocacy; it is comprised of women of 26 different nationalities. This is the 77th board to be installed in their long presence on the island; their slogan for 20112012 is “Working together for a better tomorrow.”
By Rosalie Klein
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PFTSA heads into General Assembly with dynamic new board of directors
Sanaa Baroud
Eagle Beach - The Pension Fund Tourism Sector Aruba is preparing for its annual General Assembly, under leadership of a dedicated new board of directors. Jossy Lacle recently took over the position of Chairman of the Board, as part of a plan to further professionalize the fund’s operations and improve and broaden the foundation’s services to its stakeholders.
Lacle is joined by Ton Kolman, Manchebo Beach Hotel & Spa, Nathaly Wouters, AHATA, and board Vice President Glenn Farro, Radisson Aruba Resort Casino & Spa, representing the employers, and Ann Brinkman, Holiday Inn Sunspree, Rudy Geerman, FTA, Secretary of the Board,
and Valerie Pietersz-Camacho, Paseo Herencia, representing the employees.
The foundation’s dayto-day operations are overseen by Executive Director Sanaa Baroud, Pension Administrator Isidra Briezen-Arends, Financial Administrator Lateefah Craigg, Mayra Christiaans, Pension Administration Assistant, and Roger Silva, responsible for Customer Service.
The Pension Fund Tourism Sector Aruba will be holding its next annual General Assembly on June 22nd, 2011, at 3:00pm in the Conference Room of La Cabana Beach & Racquet Club, and the general public and the press are invited.
PFTSA was founded in 1992 as an initiative of the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association and the FTA workers’ union, as they both shared the same vision for the need to create a pension plan which would provide workers in the tourism industry with additional income after retirement on top of the general old age pension provided by the government.
Currently there are over 40 member companies affiliated with PFTSA. The regulatory body for the PFTSA foundation is the Central Bank of Aruba.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Continued from pg 1
Unveiling of Anne Frank statue brings international and island dignitaries together
Rabbi of Temple Beth Israel Aruba, Dr. Mario Gurevich
Aruban Born ABC White House Correspondent Maureen Bunyan
Aruba First Lady Doina Eman and Rabbi Soetendorp
F oundation Chairperson, Diane Pieters-Gonzales led the parade of speakers, which included Prime Minister Eman, ABC news anchorwoman and U.S. White House Correspondent Maureen Bunyan, who was born
in Aruba, and the Rabbi of Aruba’s Temple Beth Israel, Dr. Mario Gurevich. International speakers included Hans Westra, former Director of the Anne Frank Foundation in the Netherlands, Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, President and founder of the Jacob Soetendorp Institute for Human Values, and Martin Luther King III, son of the martyred Civil Rights leader. Lisa de Lannoy acted as moderator for the sunset ceremony, which took place on Sunday, June 12, the anniversary of Anne Frank’s birth.
The diverse array of speakers addressed the issue of tolerance not only for those of the Jewish faith, but all faiths, and all races. Martin Luther King III, whose father was killed when he was 10, whose uncle was killed 2 years later, and whose grandmother was shot to death while playing the organ in church 4 years after the death of his father, talked of the necessity of discerning a heinous act from a group of people, and learning to abhor the violence, but not allow oneself to be consumed by hate because of association.
Rabbi Dr. Guravich recalled an incident from his medical career in Colombia, when a young boy fell into a well, and the entire country followed his rescue, then cried when he was brought out dead.
“Other children died in our hospital that day, but no one cried for them; this boy had a name and a face, and so we all shared the grief of losing him. Anne Frank has put a name and face to all those who had suffered during the Holocaust; we must not forget those six million who do not have a name and a face.”
Martin Luther King III and wife, Shereen de Cuba foundation treasurer, Aruba’s PM Mike Eman, and Martha Lichtenstein, foundation treasurer
Particpating students of Ju
One of the most stirring moments of this poignant event was when 18 year old Angelle Stamper came to the podium to read a remarkably mature and moving original poem she wrote for the occasion titled “Freedom Within.” It express how words of Anne Frank’s diary, written under such dire circ*mstance over 70 years ago, still speaks to and inspires a new generation; she received a standing ovation from the audience.
Prime Minister Mike
na School and Martin Luther
Eman, who planted the seed for this project, ruminated on the necessity of tolerance on such a small island as Aruba for its society to not only progress, but survive as a community; he was extremely gratified by the support for this project, and the turnout for the unveiling.
Artist Coppens’ bronze statue depicts Anne Frank with her hands bound, but looking towards the sky in hope of a better world; it stands on a pedestal with four
King III
sides, which contains a quote from her diary ? ’How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Each side is written in one of the languages commonly spoken on Aruba: Papiamento, English, Dutch and Spanish, symbolic of the many groups that peacefully co-exist on the island, and a reminder for them to continue to do so.
By: Rosalie Klein

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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just thought ro ask...
usrasi, t

1. Col.
4. Sponge (up)
7. Deposits
11. Author Levin
1 2. “Take_
Train” (2 wds.)
14. Accidentprone one’s cry (hyph.)
15. Numerals (abbr.)
16. Spaghetti sauce brand
17. Skirt insert
1 8. Romanov
20. Inspirited
22. Partly frozen juice drink
24. Delivery option
25. Where Des Moines is
26. Stove’s compartment
30. Magnavox rival
31. Swashbuckling actor Errol
33. Actress Lupino
34. Azure (2 wds.)
36. Feds (hyph.)
37. “Certainly!”
38. Rub with oil
40. Alpine
43. Winter shoe
44. Sonoma’s neighbor
45. Water jug
47. Elected ones
50. Gusted
51. Traitors
52. New (prefix)
53. Salt-water fishes
54. Compass point (abbr.)
55. Four qts.
1. Relative
2. To’s pal
3. “Survivor” contestant
4. Leather belt
5. Chicago airport
6. Wooden nail
7. “Dracula” star Bela
8. Sailor’s greeting
9. Time past
1 0. Storage
1 3. Reddish brown
1 9. Health club
21. _ my
22. Coniferous trees
23. “I Am a_”
26. “See you later!”
27. Setting a ceiling
28. Biblical spot
29. Rave
31. Get away
32. Gloss
FREE Coverage on our
35. Corporation’s rules
36. Glop
38. Incites
39. From Oslo
40. Cable news channel
41. Angel’s accessory
42. Imitated
46. “Kilroy_
48. Teachers’ gp.
49. Scale note
1 1




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Complete the grid so that every row and every column contains the numbers 1 through 9 A number is Never repeated in a row or column.
In addition every rectangle must contain the numbers 1 through 9

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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Facebook 2012 IPO could top $100 billion: CNBC
WASHINGTON, (AFP) - Social network Facebook is likely to go public in the first quarter of next year with a valuation of over $100 billion, the CNBC business news network reported on Monday.
Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has repeatedly said he is in no hurry to
take the social network public but CNBC said the company may be forced to do so by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations.
CNBC said Facebook’s decision to conduct an initial public offering could be triggered by an SEC requirement that companies with more than
Britain, Bill Gates boost child vaccine funding
Microsoft tycoon Bill Gates
LONDON, England (AFP) Britain and Bill Gates joined forces on Monday to pledge more than half of the $3.7 bil
BMW 520 i
Year 2000 Automatic For info call 5643713 or 6607469
lion (2.6 billion euros) sought to vaccinate nearly 250 million children against preventable diseases.
Prime Minister David Cameron told a donors’ conference in London that Britain would contribute a further £814 million ($1.3 billion, 920 million euros) to GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation), an aid group backed by the Microsoft tycoon.
Cameron said the extra funds would help treat 80 million children against pneumonia and diarrhoea, and save 1.4 million lives.
Gates followed Cameron's pledge by saying his charitable foundation would commit an additional $1 billion over five years.
It is expected that by the
Three vie to lead IMF
500 private investors must disclose financial information.
The network, citing "people familiar with the matter," said Facebook will likely report it has crossed that threshold at the end of this year.
The so-called "500 rule" requires private companies to release quarterly financial reports like public companies.
Facebook is also facing pressure from employees who are not allowed to sell their shares on private exchanges such as SharesPost, where Facebook has been given a valuation of as high as $85 billion, CNBC said.
It said Facebook's valuation was expected to be above $100 billion when an IPO takes place next year.
from left to right: Carstens, Lagarde and Fischer
and diarrhoea should be absolutely unthinkable in 2011.
"But for many parents in the developing world it is a devastating reality."
The pledges have gone a long way towards making up the $3.7-billion funding shortfall as GAVI aims to immunise 243 million more children and avert four million deaths by 2015.
GAVI has already vaccinated 288 million children in 19 countries and now wants to extend the programme of jabs to another 26 countries.
Brazil and Japan donated to GAVI for the first time. Brazil pledged $20 million over 20 years.
Pneumonia and diarrhoea kill three times as many children under the age of five as HIV/AIDS even though vac
WASHINGTON, (AFP) French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde had the upper hand but faced solid competition Monday from Mexico and Israel as the IMF executive board begins deciding who will lead the crisis lender.
All three declared candidates — Lagarde, Mexican central bank chief Agustin Carstens, and late entry Israeli central banker Stanley Fischer — have strong credentials but only Lagarde has picked up major endorsem*nts, first and foremost from the powerful European bloc.
The 24-member IMF executive board was expected to officially reveal the nominees as
Shell in Nigeria declares force majeure after pipeline fires
LAGOS, Nigeria (AFP)The Anglo-Dutch oil giant in Nigeria on Monday warned it may not be able to meet its contractual obligations for June and July on its Bonny Light crude, after multiple pipeline fires and leaks blamed on sabotage.
Investigations showed that theLeaks and five separate fire incidents on the pipeline occured in four villages in Ogoniland last Thursday and the fires were put out two days later, Shell said in the statement. Oil theft, known locally as "bunkering" has been re
early as Monday, while Carstens was in Washington to lobby for support from the United States in a meeting with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
Lagarde's candidacy — driven by Europe's traditional hold on the job and their determination to get someone who is already involved in the multiple fiscal crises of the eurozone — gained momentum in recent days with official support from Egypt, Indonesia, and a number of African countries.
Lagarde's candidacy — driven by Europe's traditional hold on the job and their determination to get someone who is already involved in the multiple fiscal crises of the eurozone — gained momentum in recent days with official support from Egypt, Indonesia, and a number of African countries.
Carstens meanwhile only comes into the process with the expressed support of a dozen Latin American countries, notably not including Brazil or Argentina.
Meanwhile Fischer faced his own difficulties: at 67, he would have to obtain a variance on IMF rules which set a limit of 65 for an incoming managing director.
YESTERDAY’S Crossword Answer

A M MAiG T] A P OlC O G;
F R 1 G H T5E
other four million lives in four years.
"Frankly, the idea of children dying from pneumonia
95 percent off the price of a vaccine for the diarrhoeal disease rotavirus.
region in a single raid.
Shell is Nigeria's leading oil operator.lose financial information.
nations should exceed the $3.7 such deaths. oil spills in Nigeria, according i
billion target. British drug giant Glaxo- to reports. Nigeria's military in J
Cameron said: "Today we SmithKline last week agreed March said it destroyed 500 il- :



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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Bon Dia and Welcome to Aruba!

_ 111. I
m j
Pi m 4
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■ I 1 "Tk* ”
Whether you’re a first time visitor to the island, or you vacation with us every year we invite you to enjoy one of the most memorable vacation destinations of your life. We know, we’re Divi Resorts and Aruba has been our home for over 40 years.
Divi Resorts has 5 resorts in Aruba, in addition to The Links at Divi Aruba golf course, and the Alhambra Casino. For years we’ve offered high quality all inclusive and timeshare vacations; and over 40,000 members actively participate in the Divi Vacation Ownership Program.
Many of our guests have found that one vacation to Aruba per year is simply not enough! Our solution: The Residences at Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort.
The Residences are luxury full ownership condominiums nestled within the lush greens of The Links at Divi Aruba golf course.
Make Aruba your second home! Condominiums from the $300s.
You can now purchase your own condominium and still enjoy the resort amenities of the Divi collection.
For more information about The Residences, visit our sales office located in the golf clubhouse at the Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort.
For questions or to schedule your appointment to view a condominium, contact sales director John Kelly at (297) 583-9971 or email:[emailprotected]
We hope you will soon call Aruba home!
• Covered parking space with electrical outlet
• Radio phone to call for transportation
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Steak on a Stone-Le Petit Cafe!s specialty
In a time when dining choices and critiques are based on value for your dollar, an old favorite, Le Petit Cafe, still offers one of the best values not only in price, but quality, quantity and ambiance.
Le Petit Cafe in Palm Beach offers charming surroundings reminiscent of a European outdoor cafe. Surrounded by Old World gaslights and an abundance of flora, it provides a delightful and romantic setting. In Oranjestad, diners can enjoy a breathtaking view of the har
on the stone is a supremely healthy method of preparation, seasoned to perfection and using no fats or oils. Fish in particular is excellent; extremely moist and tasty. A thick cut of filet mignon usually requires cutting into smaller sections to cook fully, especially if your preference is medium-well to well done.
Le Petit Cafe is particularly well known for its “Land and Sea” specialty, filet mignon and lobster tail; a gourmet treat when served in their signature
Fish on a Stone
bor; particularly as the sun dips over the horizon and the lights of town set the waters aglow. Taking advantage of their Early Bird Special not only offers a great price for a delicious meal, but put you in the right place at the right time to enjoy Aruba’s most spectacular daily performance; our stunning sunsets.
The Early Bird special offers a choice of a full sized chicken breast, a hefty portion of filet mignon or fresh grouper fillet accompanied by a well-stuffed baked potato, rice or french fries. There is a choice of soup or salad as a starter, and ice cream for dessert, all at affordable prices!
Cooking your main course
fashion. The restaurant also offers a diverse menu of pastas and tempting gourmet appetizers such as seafood crepes, crispy calamari, and escargot. For family members in the mood for something different there are several dishes to choose from, such as chicken parmesan, so a large family with different ideas of what they want for dinner can easily be accommodated.
We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and Le Petit Cafe has also long been famous for the best value for breakfast on Aruba. They still offer an American breakfast for $9.95, another unbeatable value!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Adam Steinfeld live tonight!
Magic & Comedy tonight!
IVtagic Live!® theater-of-illusions comedy show starring Adam Steinfeld at the Westin-aruba, 9 PM nightly, is a fullevening of grand illusions, comedy & magic featuring original never before seen stage illusions, "better than excellent, it's outstanding," a lot of fun from start to finish, laugh out-loud funny, a thrill ride, intelligent, sophisticated, unconventional grand illusions, that will keep you asking how the heck did he do that!
GREAT!, FANTASTIC! I've seen your show, 3 times, and I could see you over and over again.
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It’s obvious Adam Steinfeld’s real passion is performing in front of a live audience, as his charisma and charm create an unforgetable show. See it live!
STARRING: Adam Steinfeld
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COST: $20 (under 15), $40 adult / LOCALS: Afl. 40
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GROUP SALES: (297) 561-1090
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“Sometimes questions are more important than answers
Nancy Willard quotes American Poet and Writer
AMMAN, Jordan : A picture dated June 3, 2011 shows players of the Iranian national women football team enter the stadium in Amman, moments before they were barred from playing an Olympic qualifier against Jordan for wearing the traditional Islamic headscarf. The row over the dress code of Iran's women team has been at the heart of a struggle between FIFA and the Iranian football federation.Iran will lodge a formal complaint to the world football body after its women's team were barred from playing in this Olympic qualifier for wearing the traditional Islamic headscarf, media reports said Monday.
Latin American films scoop prizes at Romanian festival
BUCHAREST, Romania (AFP) - Two Latin American movies scooped the biggest prizes of the Transylvania International Film Festival (TIFF) which ended on week-end in the northwestern Romanian city of Cluj.
n Sin Retorno" (No Return), by Argentine filmmaker Miguel Cohan, won the Transylvania award as well as the best screenplay prize, while "La Vida Util” (A Useful Life), by Uruguayan Federico Veiroj, picked up the jury's special prize.
British actress Jaqueline Bisset, who handed the prize to Cohan, was in her turn honoured for her contribution to world cinematography.
Michael York, who won a lifetime achievement award, was unable to attend for health reasons but sent a videotaped message from Los Angeles to thank the jury.
The audience gave a standing ovation to Roman
People look on d
tiring a public movie screening at the
Transylvania International Film Festival (TIFF)
ian filmmaker Lucian Pintilie, author among others of "Reconstituirea" (The Reenactment) and "Balanta" (The Oak), who was awarded the prize for excellence.
The 10th edition of the festival, one of the most important in the Balkans, screened some 220 movies, including 3D productions by German Wim Wenders and Werner Herzog.
Tuesday, June 14,2011
Tennis: Venus claims revenge on Petkovic at Eastbourne
Tennis: Murray crowned king of Queen's again
time when Tsonga drifted a forehand wide in the fifth game.
Murray's confidence was sky-high and he moved 5-3 ahead with another betweenthe-legs winner from an acute angle near the net.
There was no way back for Tsonga and he finally seemed to surrender as Murray served out the win.
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Andy Murray of Great Britain plays a backhand during his match against Jo-Wilfrled Tsonga of France in the final of the ATP tournament at Queen's tennis club, in London, on June 13, 2011.
LONDON (AFP) - Britain’s Andy Murray clinched his second Queen's title with a 36, 7-6 (7/2), 6-4 victory over French fifth seed Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in the final on Monday.
Murray, who also won the Wimbledon warm-up event in 2009, is the first Briton to lift the Queen's trophy twice since Francis Gordon Lowe achieved his second of three titles in 1914.
It was also Murray's first ATP title since beating Roger Federer at the Shanghai Masters in October and earned the Scot a cheque for 77,500 euros ($112,000).
More important than any financial gain, this gutsy victory was the perfect confidence boost for the world number four ahead of Wimbledon, which starts in a week's time.
Murray arrived in west London to begin his grasscourt campaign nursing serious concerns over the ankle ligament injury he suffered at the French Open.
Tsonga had beaten Murray in a friendly game of tabletennis as they waited in vain for the rain to relent on Sunday, but it was not a lucky omen for the fifth seed in the rescheduled final.
The flamboyant Frenchman has a well-deserved reputation as one of the game's great entertainers and he showed off his trademark diving volley, as well as an athletic overhead smash, to keep Murray at bay in the next game.
Murray was struggling to find the majestic form that demolished three-time Wimbledon finalist Andy Roddick in less than an hour in the semi finals.
Roddick had pleaded with Murray to "keep it social" during that rout but Tsonga was a far more obdurate opponent.
Even when Murray produced a sublime pass on the run to bring up two break points at 3-5, Tsonga came up with a perfect forehand followed by a big serve to get out of trouble and clinch the first set.
Tsonga, who had the added incentive of avenging last year's quarter-final defeat by Murray at Wimbledon, won the point of the match to make it 2-2 in the second set by keeping his balance to chase down a net cord and then a lob before driving a blistering forehand winner.
To his credit, Murray kept battling away. He had four break points for a 5-3 lead, but Tsonga found a way out of trouble each time.
Tsonga had two break points of his own at 5-5 and this time Murray caught a break as a net cord saved the second.
Both players were at their best now and Murray's remarkable forehand through his legs was met with more Tsonga acrobatics as the Frenchman held serve to set up a tie-break.
Murray would not be denied though. He kept the pressure on and, aided by some wayward Tsonga groundstrokes, he easily won the breaker to earn a final set decider.
It was Murray who threatened first at 1-1, but the Scot squandered his ninth and 10th break points of the match.
There was no sign of Murray easing off, however, and he finally broke for the first
EASTBOURNE, England (AFP) - Venus Williams took delayed revenge for a match she had to abandon nearly five months ago by beating eighth seed Andrea Petkovic 7-5, 5-7, 6-3 at Eastbourne on Monday.
The unseeded Williams carries a number 32 world ranking after last competing on January 21 in the Australian Open third round, when she had to quit after one game against the German due to an abdominal injury.
Along with her sister Serena — out for the past year following her 2010 Wimbledon title due to a cut foot and blood clot issues in her lungs — Venus is making a low-key warm-up for Wimbledon, which starts in a week.
"It was definitely an adventure today: the conditions, falling down every other point," said Williams.
"(It was great) just coming back from such a long layoff, competing against someone who has been playing so well in the last 12 months.
"There was definitely a lot going on out there, but I was extremely excited to come
Combat Dengue
Keep around your house and yard clean
Venus Williams of the USA plays a shot against Andrea Petkovic of Germany
back with a win."
Petkovic went a break up in the first set but could not hold it as the experience of Williams, who turns 31 on Friday, paid dividends.
The world number 11 German salvaged the second set to level the match after clawing back a break from Williams, only for the American to raise her game in the third set to secure a comeback victory in two hours and 35 minutes.
"It was very interesting when I drew her," said Williams, who last played Eastborne 13 years ago. "It was a tough match for her, because I'm kind of a floater right now.
"Normally she would probably get through the first round. That was a little bit of
bad luck for her, but for me it was a great opportunity.
"It felt fitting in a way, very ironic - but a great way to start it all off."
Williams next plays the winner of the match between German Julia Goerges and former world number one Ana Ivanovic of Serbia at an event featuring seven of the WTA top 10.
As the weather stayed dry, fifth seed Petra Kvitova, the Madrid champion, advanced over Anastasia Sevastova of Latvia 5-7, 6-1, 6-3 and Pole Agnieszka Radwanska beat Australian Jarmilla Gajdosova 7-6 (7/5), 7-5.
On the men's ATP side of the draw, Czech veteran Radek Stepanek started with a 6-3, 6-4 defeat of Briton Colin Fleming.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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US stars try to avoid record major golf drought
Continued from pg 16
Mavericks destroy their personal demons
BETHESDA, Maryland (AFP) - For only the second time in modern golf history, no American owns any of the four major titles.
And if no US player captures the 111th US Open that begins on Thursday at Congressional Country Club, the drought will be America's longest ever.
The only other time that the Masters, US Open, British Open and PGA Championship crowns all belonged to non-US players came in 1994 when Spain's Jose Maria Olazabal won the Masters, South African Ernie Els won the US Open and Zimbabwe's Nick Price won the British and PGA titles.
That skid started after American Paul Azinger had won the 1993 PGA Championship and US veteran Ben Crenshaw won the 1995 Masters to end it.
So a fifth consecutive Major this week without a US victory would stretch the futility streak to unprecedented proportions.
"It just shows us Americans got to get going," said Gary Woodland, who only
CHICAGO (AFP) - Mexico sealed their Group A victory in the CONCACAF Gold Cup with a 4-1 triumph over Costa Rica.
Andres Guardado scored twice, and Rafael Marquez and Pablo Barrera added a goal apiece for Mexico, the defending champions who won all three of their Group A matches despite a squad reduced to 17 players after five were withdrawn by Mexican football authorities after positive drug tests last month.
The Mexican football fed
qualified thanks to a jump into this week's world rankings top 50 at 40th.
"There's a lot of young guys in America coming up and we've just got to keep doing what we're doing, and we'll be all right."
Not since Phil Mickelson's victory at last year's Masters for his third green jacket and fourth major triumph has an American lifted a major trophy.
Northern Ireland's Graeme McDowell became only the second European since 1925 to win the US Open when he took last year's title at Pebble Beach.
South African Louis Oosthuizen followed by winning the British Open and will join McDowell and US Amateur champion Peter Uihlein in a traditional US Open pairing on the first tee Thursday morning.
Germany's Martin
Kaymer won last year's PGA Championship on his way to becoming World No. 1 and South African Chari Schwartzel won a nine-man duel on the back nine at Augusta National two months ago to win the Masters.
eration is blaming the positive tests for clenbuterol on contaminated meat and has asked to replace the players, but CONCACAF officials have asked for more information before making a decision.
Costa Rica finished second in Group A ahead of El Salvador, who trounced Cuba 61 earlier on Sunday.
Both Costa Rica and El Salvador finished with four points, but the Costa Ricans hold the advantage on goal difference and sealed their quarter-final spot.
The pieces of the puzzle were supposed to be in place from the beginning of the season. Miami had re-signed Dwyane Wade then lured James and Chris Bosh to form the most dangerous trios in the NBA.
But the Mavericks proved with their 105-95 series clinching win at the AmericanAirlines arena that teams, and not individuals, win championships.
"Their time will come but now it is our time," said Mavericks coach Rick Carlisle. "Everybody answered the bell.
"This is one of the most unique teams in NBA history because it wasn't about highflying star power. Come on, how often do we have to hear about the LeBron James reality show and what he is or isn’t doing?"
Nowitzki even struggled early in game six. But it didn't matter because his band of outlaws kept the Heat at bay until the German star was able find his form and help put the finishing touches on the win in the fourth quarter.
Nowitzki, who turns 33 on Sunday, struggled mightily in the first half, scoring just three points on one-of-12 shooting from the field.
"In the first half I had so many good looks," he said. "I had some one-leg fadeaways that I normally make. My team stayed with me.
"(Jason Terry) got going early. That one timeout he said to me 'Keep pushing. Remember 2006'. I kept plugging and kept fighting.
Give Dallas its due. They beat the reigning NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers in the quarter-finals then had to beat the supposed heir apparent Oklahoma City Thunder in the semi-finals.
"Game two was probably the key to the series," said Carlisle. "Because if you go down 0-2 against Miami it is
very difficult.
"And coming back in game four in Oklahoma City, those are key games. Because the Oklahoma City win kept us from going six or seven games."
Nowitzki silenced his critics and secured his legacy as one of the all-time NBA legends.
"I played with Larry Bird, I played with Bill Walton, I played with Robert Parish. I played with the all-time greats. And Dirk is up there with that upper echelon of great players," Carlisle said.
Mavericks owner Mark Cuban revealled at the postgame news conference that a couple of years ago he had a chance to acquire Kobe Bryant from the Lakers but decided to stick with Nowitzki as his No. 1 guy instead.
"I remember one time years ago when Shaq was available, no Kobe I think it was," Cuban said.
"There was a discussion. He (Nowitzki) came to me and said 'You know what, I understand if you think this is a deal you need to puli'. I am like it ain't going to happen. Because chemistry is important — no disrespect to Kobe. Kobe is obviously a great player with lots of rings.
"But Dirk helps set the culture of a team. And culture is critically important for a winning organization."
This year's final was a rematch of the 2006 NBA championship which Miami took in six games for its first title in franchise history. Dallas had never won the NBA championship in its 31 year history.
"Our guys took it personal," Carlisle said. "They were not going to be denied. Dirk and Jet (Terry) had to live for five years with what happened in 2006 and as of tonight, those demons are of ficially destroyed."
There are no guarantees in the NBA even if you have the best team that money can buy.
Can the Heat bounce back? Can they still win with Wade deferring down the stretch to James who looked like the pressure of carrying his team to the title might have become too much.
"We have to go back to the drawing board," said Bosh.
MLB Standings
[American League
k East
L Pet GB
26 .600
27 .571 2.0
30 .538 4.0
34 .485 7.5
33 .476 8.0
1 Central
29 .540
30 .538
35 .485 3.5
37 .439 6.5
39.400 9.0
I West
31 .537
32 .515 1.5
36 .463 5.0
39 .418 8.0
[National League
k East
26 .606
28 .576 2.0
32 .500 7.0
33 .492 7.5
36 .455 10.0
I Central
28 .576
29 .567 0.5
33 .507 4.5
33 .484 6.0
39 .391 12.0
42 .364 14.0
8 West
29 .561
30 .545 1.0
34 .477 5.5
36 .463 6.5
38 .433 8.5
Mexico claim group win in CONCACAF Gold Cup
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Mavericks destroy their personal demons
Dirk Nowitzki(notes) (C) of the Dallas Mavericks celebrates with teammates after winning the NBA Finals against the Miami Heat to claim their first NBA champi onship in franchise history.
MIAMI, Florida (AFP) - The dust had barely settled from Sunday night's loss to the Dallas Mavericks when the questions started flying for the Miami Heat.
With all the talent that came from their free agent signings in the offseason how could "King" James and the
Heat lose the NBA finals in six games to Dirk Nowitzki and his Merry Men?
Miami was in basketball mourning on Monday.
"It is a failure for myself losing to the Mavericks. Absolutely," said LeBron James.
Continue on pg 15
West Indies beat India
NORTH SOUND (AFP) West Indies beat world champions India by 103 runs in the fourth One-day International on Monday at the Vivian Richards Cricket Ground here.
The Indians lead the fivematch series 3-1.
The final ODI will be played on Thursday at Sabina Park in the Jamaica capital of Kingston.
Brief scores:
West Indies
249 for eight off 50 overs (Kieron Pollard 70, Lendl Simmons 67; Praveen Kumar
3- 37)
146 off 39 overs (Rohit Sharma 39; Anthony Martin
4- 36, Andre Russell 3-16)
Result: West Indies won by 103 runs
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Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-MORNINGNEWS-2011-06-14 (2024)


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